
Living As If

In the Lord’s Prayer, we pray for the Kin-dom of God to become manifest on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus taught that the Kin-dom is a way of being in loving and just relationship with God and other people at all levels of community. That way of life together is marked by surprising joy, sacrificial love and care, honesty and humility, solidarity with the poor and vulnerable, peace with justice, and profound meaning and purpose. What if we didn’t have to wait for the fullness of the vision to arrive, but simply started living as if we are already in it? What if the dream for our lives, church, city, nation, and world began to take shape even in the midst of uncertainty and pandemic? Join us through June and July to explore what this might look like and how, by the grace of God, we can live our desired future…today!

From Beginning to End

Ginger E. Gaines-Cirelli


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