



Baptisms are a celebration of God’s grace which is available to us from the moment of our birth. It is a witness both to God’s desire to have an ever closer relationship with us, and God’s grace which provides us the space and opportunity to know God more. Because we believe baptism is a gift of God’s grace, embodied through the Church, we celebrate baptisms for people of every age.

Covenantal Relationship

Baptism is also a covenantal relationship between the person being baptized, the Church, and God in which an individual (as an adult) or parents of infants and children share in vows with Foundry Church to help the person being baptized grow in their knowledge of God’s love and participate in community which brings that love to life for them.

For this reason, adults being baptized become members of the Church through baptism and are expected to participate in our New Member Orientation Program, while one or more parents/caregivers of children and infants being baptized must be members of Foundry Church.



Baptism is a unique celebration in the life of our congregation and all candidates for baptism or their parents/caregivers are expected to participate in our Baptism Orientation program prior to the celebration of baptism.



We generally receive candidates for baptism on the fourth Sunday of every month in our worship celebrations at 9 and 11:15am.

Interested in Baptism?

To indicate your interest in being baptized or to register for a Baptism Orientation, please contact us at least one month prior to the date which you wish to celebrate Baptism.