Social Justice

Our social justice ministries are focused on both service — meeting the immediate physical needs for our neighbors and community — and advocacy — organizing and providing education that affects systematic change.

Get Involved with Social Justice Ministries

There are two ways you can get involved with our Social Justice Ministries right now! Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates on service projects and advocacy opportunities. You can also complete our Congregational Engagement Survey to let us know what skills and interests you’d like to bring to our mission and ministry.

Contact Foundry
Social Justice Ministries

Contact Executive Director of Programs and Justice, Rev. Ben Roberts at
Contact our Social Justice Programs Manager, Jackie Wright, at

Donate Clothing at Foundry

We invite all members and friends of Foundry to drop off adult clothing donations. We collect clothing donations on both Friday mornings (9 a.m.–noon) and Sunday mornings (8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.). Our Social Justice ministry team then collects the clothing, sorts it, and prepares it for distribution at Charlie’s Place and other partner organizations.