
Core Values Centering Liturgy

February 19, 2025

We invite you to participate in a Centering Practice including our Core Values followed by breath prayers. We begin the practice by either ringing a bell, turning a rain stick, singing a chant or humming, or raising an Ebenezer.

In a time of chaos and uncertainty in our world, as a community we find our center in the core values of our faith as expressed through Foundry Church.

We center down and remember:

We believe in Jesus Christ

Everything we do begins with Christ. We remember how he ministered to the poor, fed the hungry, healed the sick, befriended sinners, welcomed the shunned, and sacrificed himself to save us. He rose from the dead and gives us hope.

Breath Prayer:

Breathing in / Breathing out

I remember / the hope I have in Christ


When we are in the eye of the storm, as a community we find our anchor in the core values of our faith as expressed through Foundry Church.

We hold on and remember:

We welcome the hard work of prophecy.

Our close proximity to power gives us the chance to speak for the powerless. We are mindful that prophets examine themselves closely before sharing their message with the world.

Breathing in / Breathing out

I remember / the power of solidarity


When it is difficult to feel secure and everything seems shaky, as a community we find our foundation in the core values of our faith as expressed through Foundry Church.

We ground ourselves and remember:

We serve God by serving others.

We remember the second of Christ’s greatest commandments is to love each other. We make personal commitments to working with people in our neighborhood and around the world.

Breathing in / Breathing out

I remember / to love my neighbor

When we find ourselves overshadowed, as a community we find light for our path in the core values of our faith as expressed through Foundry Church.

We move forward in trust and remember:

We believe our minds are great gifts from God

We are intellectually honest and curious. We view science, scholarship, and other religious traditions as tools to discover the wonder of God’s Word and creation.

Breathing in / Breathing out

I remember / the gifts of curiosity and wonder


In a time of chaos and uncertainty in our world, as a community we find our center in the core values of our faith as expressed through Foundry Church.

We center down and remember:

We worship joyfully.

We sing, pray, and study with passion, intellect, and energy. We are an Easter people, and we are glad.

Breathing in / Breathing out

I remember / the joy of shared worship


When it’s difficult to feel secure and everything seems shaky, as a community we find our foundation in the core values of our faith as expressed through Foundry Church.

We ground ourselves  and remember:

We honor humanity as well as divinity

We believe all people are children of God, and we treat them that way.

Breathing in / Breathing out

I remember / all people are beloved of God

In a time of chaos and uncertainty in our world, as a community we find our center in the core values of our faith as expressed through Foundry Church.

We center down and remember:

We celebrate diversity; whether you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, straight, queer or any other identity, we affirm you and we believe God does the same.

To all, regardless of age, race, color, ethnicity, immigration status, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, economic condition, or physical or mental ability, we proclaim: God loves you, and we love you. We welcome you, and we invite you to join us on our shared journey.

Breathing in / Breathing out

I remember / the beauty of God’s diverse human family


When we find ourselves overshadowed, as a community we find light for our path in the core values of our faith as expressed through Foundry Church.

We move forward in trust and remember:

We cherish God’s gifts.

God blesses us with time, talent, money, opportunity and the Earth we now call home. We strive to be responsible stewards of God’s great bounty.

Breathing in / Breathing out

I remember / the blessing of generosity


In a time of chaos and uncertainty in our world, as a community we find our center in the core values of our faith as expressed through Foundry Church.

We center down and remember:

We commit to the work of racial justice and equity.

We work to dismantle white supremacy, rectify systemic racial inequities and injustices, and commit to intersectional approaches in our anti-racist work. We are a beloved, diverse and inclusive community where all of God's children can bring their full selves.

Breathing in / Breathing out

I remember / the vision of Beloved Community