
Holy Darkness

I will give you the treasures of darkness and riches hidden in secret places so that you may know that it is I, the LORD, the God of Israel, who call you by your name. — Isaiah 45:3

Most of us have learned to be afraid of the dark. To fear the things we cannot see or the less lit road. In fact, without realizing it, we have become victims of what some environmentalists have coined “light pollution.” From the street lamp to the light of our computers, we are inundated with light.

What is it about the darkness that turns us away? What metaphors have we used to describe the dark as a sinister place of evil and danger? These and other questions are part of a new preaching series based on Barbara Brown Taylor’s book “Learning to Walk in the Dark” for the season of Lent. The dark can be a place where our biggest fears lie, but it can also be a place of sacred discovery if we are willing to learn to embrace it as holy.


Lydia E. Muñoz


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