
Why We Give Now

November 01, 2021

Each of us has different reasons for giving to Foundry. Here, Lorea Stallard and Dan Vock, chairs of this year’s stewardship campaign, tell us why they became regular contributors to Foundry’s annual operating fund.

Foundry Stewardship Co-Chair

When my husband and I first joined Foundry, we were mainly able to support the church with our time and talents. I joined the ID Ministry and led a Small Group, and Kyle joined Job Corps to help with odd jobs around the “old barn,” as we now know Pastor Dawn called the building.

We always gave a little bit, and a little bit extra for the ID Ministry special offerings, but it wasn’t until Tara Holeman Kawasaki and Terry Birkel led the stewardship campaign one year that I really understood why pledging is so important.

We all love that Wesley quote, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, so long as ever you can.”

We also know that, despite our best efforts, we cannot be everywhere. However, when we pledge to the church’s general fund, I imagine our support winding its way not just through the old barn, but also out into our community where it does so much more good than we can do with just our two hands.

Lorea Stallard is a native West Virginian and a cradle Catholic. She found Foundry after she began dating a Southern Baptist and they needed a place that satisfied their spiritual needs and reflected their commitment to justice and equality. Her favorite Foundry memories include becoming official members of Foundry with John Harden, being married by Pastor T, and candlelight services on Christmas Eve.

Foundry Stewardship Co-Chair

When I was a kid, my brothers and I would save up all our change to give to our church on Christmas Eve. One year, my younger brother put all our change in a Hershey’s Cocoa tin. It was heavy — and loud.

When he put it in the offering plate, it made a big clang. And it clanged again every time someone passed the plate. I like to think the spectacle inspired other people to give more.

But giving to the church for me was sporadic until I became involved in church leadership here at Foundry. It was then that I finally grew to understand that giving is a spiritual practice, and, like all good spiritual practices, the more you do it, the more you benefit from it. I have become less worried about money, and more grateful for what I have. My yearly estimate and monthly contribution feel like acts of faith.

It’s not always easy.

Two years ago, the magazine I worked for laid me off (such is the life of a reporter), and I had no idea what my financial situation would be. But I decided I would keep making my monthly payments until money got tight. Luckily, enough freelance work materialized that I’ve been able to make those contributions, even though my income dropped. Every check still feels like a bold act of faith to me.

Dan Vock grew up in the Chicago suburbs. He started attending Foundry shortly after moving to Washington 16 years ago. His favorite memories of Foundry include teaching English, traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border, getting married to Mariana (during a Capital Pride parade, no less), and seeing his two kids get baptized here.