
Sabbath: The Practice of Just Being

January 04, 2022


As Foundry crosses the threshold into 2022, I’m inviting us to reflect upon and renew the Baptismal covenant and promises we make as members of Foundry. In January and February, we’ll get a “refresher course” on these and the spiritual practices that support our life together.

One practice not listed in our covenant but foundational for our faith is keeping Sabbath.

In our fast-paced culture, there’s a sense that we must always be producing. It seems a waste of time to daydream or play or nap or stare out the window at the birds. Work becomes our habit.

But what if we made a new habit in this new year? What if, in the midst of our blessedly full schedules, we cultivated the “habit of being?” Reflect on these words by Flannery O’Connor and receive what Spirit is saying to you…

Just being who you are
not justifying or apologizing.
it sounds so easy
it’s a life work
not to get caught in
keeping accounts of indebtedness
waiting for gratitude, reward
staggering self-pity
but cultivating the habit of being.

The practice of observing Sabbath helps cultivate the habit of “just being who you are.” Sabbath is the work of human being, not human doing. It is simply to BE in ways that refresh your soul, mind, and body. Play, hobbies, prayer, art, nature, relationships, rest — all these and more can be wonderfully re-creative elements in your Sabbath-keeping.

It may be impossible to find a single twelve-to-twenty-four-hour block of time for observing your Sabbath each week, but a set time or set of times each week to cultivate this holy habit works, too!

May God give you grace to keep a weekly Sabbath — for your good and for the good of the whole world.


Did you know?... Pastor Ginger keeps weekly Sabbath on Monday…you won’t find her in the office or on her work email!