
Fall Family Ministries Update

October 06, 2023

Happy Fall Foundry Families!

Words of Advice: Try not to overdo it with the “Pumpkin Spice”, okay? The Fall season has only just begun!

Children’s Worship:
(Let's get this Party started)
This Fall, up until the Advent season, Children’s Worship will be working our way through the Galatians 5:22&23 - The Fruits of the Spirit! It’s easy to see words like “love, joy and peace” slapped up on the wall of your favorite coffee shop or a cute T-shirt these days… when the Bible tells us that these concepts/virtues are evidence of the Spirit of God alive and working in each of us. Planting a seed is one thing, but it also needs water, the appropriate amount of sunlight and nutrients to grow and thrive. Our Foundry Kids learning about each of the fruits of The Spirit this season, and it is good seed-to-soil work. Talking about the fruits outside of church, pointing them out while they’re happening throughout the week, and practice, practice, practice IS the water, sunlight and nutrients needed for spiritual flourishing! And that, can happen at ANY age.

We have already begun by talking about love & joy the past couple of weeks, and this Sunday’s (10/8) fruit is PEACE. Here are some ways for your family to connect with Children’s Worship through the week…

Theme Song:

Fruit of the Spirit Song by Slugs & Bugs

Sing it during your commute…

Make silly motions…

Read different translations and talk about the differences and similarities between the two…

Fine a fruit of the Spirit craft…

Make a fruit salad with 9 different fruits to represent each one…

The list of activities goes on and on! But the goal is to learn, retain and practice. That is the work of the Spirit.

Memory Verse:

Help your kids retain scripture! Here is our memory verse for the next couple of weeks Galatians 5:22&23 

“22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”


@ Home:

How can you and your family bee practicing and/or observing tangible ways to live out the Fruits off the Spirit every day of the week?

Fruits of the Spirit:

Love- Care of others, God, creation & ourselves!

Joy- Deeper than happiness, Joy (a sense of togetherness, hopefulness, etc.) can be felt while happy or sad. 








Parent Volunteers!

Family Ministries is STARTING a parent volunteer rotation each Sunday for Children’s Worship. Each Sunday, 2 parent volunteers will be scheduled to leave with Ms. Natalie and the rest of the Foundry Kids & Volunteers to help with time management, play, and participate in Children’s Worship! All parents of current Foundry Kids will be included in the scheduled rotation. **If you are assigned a Sunday that you will be out-of-town, use the foundry directory location through the Church Center app to find someone to stand-in, thank you!

Sunday Parent Volunteers START: 10/15

Schedule will be released: 10/13

(New parents, this one is for you!)

The next baptism orientation is Oct. 15th! Please email Ms. Natalie for more details!

Looking Ahead to the Advent Season:

(Get your Calendars out!!)

On Dec. 17th Foundry will have ONE church service at 10AM. We will have Children’s Worship that Sunday. Following service will be the Sunday School Christmas Party!!! Youth @ Night Christmas Party with be in the evening at 5:30PM.

Christmas Eve is on a Sunday, Dec. 24th (if you are in town for the Holidays). Foundry will have ONE service at 10AM, during this service we will have the Instant Christmas Pageant. No Children’s Worship, No Sunday School and No Youth @ Night. 

Christmas Eve evening service is at 8PM.

New Year’s Eve is on a Sunday, Dec. 31st. Foundry will have ONE service at 10AM, there will be a Children’s Worship New Year’s Party. Parents are asked to join and pick up Children follow Sunday morning’s main worship service.

Sunday School News:

(We all need reminders every once in a while! No shame, Family Ministries got you!

  • Sunday School starts at 10:10AM and end at 10:55AM
  • Continue to update your Church Center profiles! Access them either using the church center app or
  • Snack is provided in the PreK3-K class during Sunday School. All other grades are allowed to being their snacks (from coffee hour) up to their Sunday school class. REMINDER that Foundry UMC is a PEANUT FREE facility.

Sunday School Closet:

Our Sunday School materials and resources closet is in real need of some organization, inventory, and a makeover! If you have any skills or interest to help, please email Natalie at

Back Stage:

Family Ministries has storage behind the stage in the Norman and Frances Prince Fellowship Hall. Everything is not disposable, but like the Sunday School Closet, backstage needs some organization, inventory and love. This is a task for adults and youth! If interested, please see or email Ms. Natalie! Thank you!

Youth @ Night:
(Foundry Youth, let's gather, connect, discuss & have fun!)


Oct. 15th - If you have thoughts, opinions, or suggestions about Foundry UMC, Amanda Beadle (Former FUMC Board President) is coming to talk about Foundry’s church-wide strategic plan and to intention hear thoughts and suggestions for the Youth. (TBD if this Youth @ Night will be hybrid)

Oct. 28th - We will be having a Studio Ghibli movie night Double Feature!!! Come for fun, themed food & snacks. Couches & Beanbags provided! We’ll be voting over the next few weeks for which 2 movies to watch at Youth @ Night!!

Oct. 29th - No Youth @ Night.

Meals for Youth:

Starting in October we would LOVE for Members of Foundry and Parents signup to volunteer to bring or prep dinner for Youth @ Night. One of the very first things we do each week at Youth @ Night is to share in a meal together. This gives our youth a much-needed chance to nourish both their bodies and their spirits as they laugh, talk, and unwind from their day.

We are looking for volunteers to help us procure these meals. Whether you cook it yourself, or swing by your favorite local restaurant, we ask that food be delivered and ready to go at Foundry by 5:00pm. Budget for each youth is $9 (our youth contribute $3 per meal and we subsidize the rest). Expenses can certainly be reimbursed, but please save your receipts should you wish to be reimbursed.

Dinner Sign Up