
Congratulations on your upcoming Ordination, Pastor T.C.!

June 01, 2022

Dear members and friends of Foundry,

Today during the Clergy Executive Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church, clergy accepted the recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry and voted to approve T.C. Morrow for full membership and ordination as a deacon. This significant vote means that Pastor T.C. will be ordained by Bishop LaTrelle Easterling on Friday, 6 p.m. — tune in at

We give thanks to God for T.C.’s faithfulness in accepting her call to ordained ministry, for her perseverance and grace throughout the long and often painful journey, and for her profound witness of sacred resistance and love for God, God’s people, and the Church.

T.C. is a blessing to Foundry through her ministry, helping us to live into our call to Love God. Love each other. Change the world. T.C. also continues in her primary, full-time appointment at the National Religious Campaign Against Torture.

We invite you to surround T.C. with your prayers as she prepares for her ordination. We ask you to join us in prayer for the Baltimore-Washington Conference as they continue to lead with conviction. We ask you to join us in prayer for our United Methodist Church as we all live faithfully in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

In the Spirit,

Your Foundry Clergy and Staff