
2022 Nominating Committee Slate

June 26, 2022

Cheryl Gibbs

Cheryl Gibbs

Foundry United Methodist Church has been Cheryl’s (she/her) spiritual home since 1984 when she relocated from Sharon, Pennsylvania to begin a career at the U.S. Department of Education in the Office of Postsecondary Education. She is the senior director of International and Foreign Language Education, the division that administers international education grant programs for U.S. institutions of higher education.

During her years at Foundry, Cheryl has held myriad positions or has served on committees and task forces which have allowed her to evolve both personally and spiritually, including co-chair of Council on Ministries, SPRC member and chair, Christian Education Committee, Sunday School teacher (19 years), confirmand mentor, member of Foundry Board and Personnel Committee, Scripture Readers Ministry Team, and Prayer Ministry Team. Cheryl enjoys interior decorating and watching original Perry Mason and Mission: Impossible reruns.





Kerry Kidwell-SlakKerry Kidwell-Slak

Kerry (she/her) is a lifelong United Methodist and DMV resident. She has attended Foundry since 2001 and has served in numerous lay leadership roles in the congregation and Baltimore-Washington Conference, including leading Disciple bible study, coordinating 20s/30s ministry, participating on the Discipleship Council, and serving as Greater Washington District Lay Leader.

Kerry currently works at the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business where she develops and teaches career curricula to support students seeking to make a difference in the world.

She lives in College Park, MD with her husband, Dave, their two children Anne (11) and Elise (7), and their Great Dane/Mastiff mix, Daisy.