
Mercy Ministries


Mercy Ministries

Welcome! We are now providing in-person service, by appointment only. A few phone appointments will be available each week for people who are unable to come to Foundry because of incarceration, in-patient treatment programs, a newborn at home, or mobility problems/disability/advanced age. To make an appointment with our ID Ministry please go to

ID Ministry

We believe all persons are created in God’s image, the imago dei, it is part of our common identity. Within our society we have systems that often distort and devalue the identities of our neighbors. One of those systems is the need to carry identification documents in order to receive employment, housing, or services. Foundry’s ID seeks to restore to neighbors in need the documents necessary to obtain jobs, housing, education, or services in the community. The ID Ministry takes place each Friday morning and the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month from 9 AM to 11:30 AM.

An appointment is strongly encouraged as we cannot guarantee services on a walk-in basis. To make an appointment, contact your case worker or email us at

To volunteer or learn more contact, to get assistance for yourself or a client contact

Cooking Ministries

We have cooking teams that work both at Foundry and in the community to prepare meals for neighbors who need it:

Saturday Morning Cooking Team
This team meets each 1st and 3rd Saturday at Foundry from 9 AM to 11 Am to prepare meals for seniors and neighbors living with HIV/AIDS.

Christ House
Located in at 1717 Columbia Road NW in Adam’s Morgan, Christ House is a 24-hour residential medical facility for un-housed men and women. Patients are admitted to Christ House from area hospitals, shelters, and clinics. Foundry cooks lunch at Christ House each first Saturday of the month from 10 AM to Noon.

Sandwich 1000
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 7 PM to 8:30 PM, this team meets to assemble 1000 sandwiches for distribution through our community partner Martha’s Table. The team meets at Foundry on the lower level in the main kitchen.

Books to Prisons

Founded in 1999, the DC Area Books to Prisons Project now send over 400 packages per month to incarcerated neighbors around the country, trying to match their requests with our donated book collection. Did you know the US has less than 5% of the world’s population, yet more than 25% of the world’s prisoners and prison libraries have dwindled. The project is carried out completely by volunteers, and all books are donated, many by Foundry members. We also send children’s books to prison waiting rooms and immigrant detention centers. The project meets each Wednesday evening 6 PM to 8:30 PM at Foundry in room B2 on the lower level.

Foundry’s English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes

ESL classes take place at Foundry on Tuesday and Thursday nights over three semesters each year. These classes serve neighbors who come to Washington, DC from all parts of the world and every circumstance. These classes equip students with the ability to better understand and interact with the world around them while also providing them with a community of trust and support. Volunteer ESL teachers form strong bonds with their students as they share their lives and experiences with each other in meaningful ways.

ESL semester dates for 2020:

Winter / Spring Session (11 weeks)
Registration: In Community Commons, main floor Tuesday, January 14
Start: Tuesday, January 21 / Thursday January 23
End: Tuesday, March 31 / Thursday, April 2
End of semester celebration: Thursday, April 2

Great Day of Service

Local service with worldwide impact. Twice a year, Foundry’s Great Day of Service Engages in a congregation-wide day of service. In the fall we, we serve at community partners such as the food bank, local orchards, meal delivery programs, and job programs. We also pack health and relief supply kits. On a Sunday in the Spring, we pack thousands of emergency meals that are sent worldwide to supplement school feeding programs and to provide relief in the face of disasters.

Project Transformation

Be A Reading Mentor

Foundry works with literacy programs through Project Transformation and Everybody Wins DC.

Project Transformation meets throughout the Summer helping elementary age students maintain or increase their reading levels. For updates on how to get involved this summer, please go to

Everybody Wins DC The Power Lunch program is a 1 hour reading program with elementary aged students across the District. Foundry volunteers read primarily at Thomson Elementary.