Foundry was the first Methodist Church in the central section of
Washington, D.C. It was located at 14th and G Streets, Northwest, a
few blocks from the White House. The land and the first building
were the gift of Henry Foxall, iron founder, Methodist lay preacher,
philanthropist and friend of many government, business and religious
leaders. Traditionally, Foxall provided the new church in gratitude
and thanksgiving when his foundry was spared during the British
attack on Washington in August 1814. Foxall was a mayor of
Georgetown, trustee and key financial supporter of Dumbarton
Methodist Church, as well as a lay preacher. He was a friend of
Bishop Frances Asbury, the founder of American Methodism, who
advised the church in its early years as well as John Quincy Adams,
James Monroe, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, all frequent
visitors to Foxall’s home in Georgetown. Once he was asked about his
inconsistent role of proclaimer of the gospel of peace and forger of
the weapons of war. He said, “If I do make guns to destroy men’s
bodies, I build churches to save their souls.”
Foxall makes decision to build a new Methodist church in Washington.
Asa Shinn, pastor at Georgetown Methodist Church, preaches also to
new congregation.
Stephen G. Roszel appointed pastor at Georgetown Methodist Church
and serves the new congregation too.
Meetings are held in home of Ezekiel Young on F St. between 12th and
13th Sts. several months before church is built.
Foxall sells his foundry to Col. John Mason.
March 10-12—Bishop Francis Asbury stops in Georgetown. It was
possibly at this time that the name “Foundry” was decided upon.
September 10, 1815
Chapel is dedicated at and G Streets, NW, DC. The first church,
built at the corner of 14th and G Streets, Northwest, was similar in
structure to most Methodist chapels of that era. It was a simple
brick structure, forty feet wide and fifty feet long, facing 14th
The first church was dedicated September 10, 1815, when it was
referred to as the “New Methodist Church.” A year later, Foxall
transferred the property to the Foundry Board of Trustees on March
28, 1816, where the name “Foundry Chapel” first appears.
William Ryland and Thomas Burch appointed as pastor and associate
pastor for Georgetown and the new church.
February 10—Mrs. Margaret Foxall, second wife of Henry Foxall, dies
at the age of 57.
March 28—Foxall deeds the church and land to the trustees for one
dollar. This deed is the earliest mention of the name “Foundry” yet
Foundry Church becomes an independent charge.
Thomas Burch appointed as the first pastor of Foundry Church.
First parsonage is built on G Street east of the church.
John Emory appointed pastor at Foundry.
Emory is made Corresponding Secretary of the Baltimore Annual
Conference for the newly formed Methodist Missionary and Bible
Emory enters into newspaper debate with a Unitarian minister over
the divinity of Christ.
January 26—Foxall is elected President of the Georgetown Bible
June—Emory marries Hugh Dawson and Ann Rowlings, the first wedding
at Foundry.
September 25—Emory baptizes two sons and a daughter of John and Mary
Burke, the first at Foundry.
Emory organizes the first Foundry Sabbath School. It meets in the
Jefferson Stable School on the southeast corner of 14th and G
Streets, Northwest.
Emory chosen delegate to General Conference. William Ryland
appointed pastor at Foundry
Samuel Davis appointed pastor at Foundry.
September 5—Davis dies.
John Bear appointed to fill the vacancy.
Foxall is named as one of the managers of the American
Colonization Society.
William Hamilton appointed pastor at Foundry.
December 11—Foxall dies at Handsworth, near Birmingham, England. He
is buried in the church yard at West Bromwich.
William Ryland appointed pastor at Foundry for a second time.
May—General John Van Ness deeds additional property to Foundry.
July 4—Ryland gives opening prayer at celebration in House of
Representatives. President John Quincy Adams present.
John Davis appointed pastor at Foundry.
Foundry members organize Wesley Chapel.
Steps taken for erection of Wesley Chapel at 5th and F Streets,
September-October—Successful revival meetings are held.
December—Foundry Missionary Society started.
Stephen George Roszel and French S. Evans appointed pastor and
associate pastor at Foundry.
Second Sunday in May—Bishop McKendree dedicates Wesley Chapel.
S. Keppler appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
James Hanson and George Hildt appointed pastor and associate pastor
at Foundry.
Group of Foundry members break away to help start a Methodist
Protestant Church, the Central (later Ninth Street) Methodist
February 12—Collection is taken for benefit of the Washington City
Orphan Asylum.
July—Bishop John Emory preaches at Foundry
John Bear and T. J. Dorsey are appointed pastor and associate pastor
at Foundry.
David A. Gardner starts first infant class at Foundry.
December 8—The Foundry Station Temperance Society holds its
first meeting.
Samuel Brison and T. B. Sargent are appointed pastor and associate pastor at Foundry.
July 19—Ninth Street Methodist Protestant Church is dedicated.
Asbury Church is started for Foundry’s African-American members.
William Hamilton and Charles B. Tippett are appointed pastor and
associate pastor at Foundry.
January 13—Seventh annual meeting of the Foundry Missionary Society
is held—one of the most successful ever known to have been held in
March—Foundry Fourth Quarterly Conference agrees that Wesley Chapel should become independent charge.
Henry Slicer is appointed pastor and James M. Hanson,
supernumerary, at Foundry.
January—Davy Crockett’s son speaks on behalf of missions for
Cherokee Indians.
March—Wesley Chapel becomes an independent charge.
July 29—Henry Slicer preaches a sermon against duelling.
December 19—Foundry missionary meeting contributes $70.00 to educate
a Shawnee Indian to be named “Henry Foxall.”January—Davy Crockett’s
son speaks on behalf of missions for Cherokee Indians.
March—Wesley Chapel becomes an independent charge.
July 29—Henry Slicer preaches a sermon against duelling.
December 19—Foundry missionary meeting contributes $70.00 to educate
a Shawnee Indian to be named “Henry Foxall.”
July 7—S. Shephard, a fourteen year old boy, raises $70.00 for the
church library.
December 25—The Washington City Total Abstinence Society meets at
March—Henry Slicer is Chairman of committee at the Baltimore Annual
Conference which supported the work of the Maryland State
Colonization Society.
Thomas C. Thornton is appointed pastor at Foundry.
June 28, July 26—John Quincy Adams attends services at Foundry.
John Davis appointed pastor at Foundry.
Wesley Rohr is appointed to Foundry “to labour among the coloured
July 4—Cornerstone for Ryland Chapel is laid.
December 24—John Quincy Adams attends Foundry. The Rev. Walter
Colquitt of Georgia preaches.
Henry Tarring and Elisha D. Owens are appointed pastor and associate
pastor at Foundry.
Ryland Chapel is completed.
Tillotson A. Morgan is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
April 23—McKendree Chapel becomes an independent charge.
November 2—President James K. Polk attends Foundry.
Nicholas J. B. Morgan is appointed pastor at Foundry.
Ryland Church becomes independent.
January 14—Choctaw and Wyandot Indians are at Foundry.
February 13—Steps are taken to organize Union Church.
July 4—Foundry children visit the White House.
Union Church is built.
M. A. Turner is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
March 11—Foundry Sabbath School holds exhibition.
March 17—Library of Mr. Henry Foxall is sold.
March 14, 20—Bishop Leonidas L. Hamline speaks at Foundry.
John Lanahan is appointed pastor and P. Doll, supernumerary, at
Union Church becomes independent.
In 1849, the first Foundry church building was remodeled when the
galleries, till then occupied by the non-white members, were taken
down, with the gallery retained for the choir and the floor of the
church raised so as to make a basement, which was then used for a
Sunday School. The size of the church was increased by widening it;
on the west or 14th Street end, a “deep and handsome” pressed brick
front was constructed. The remodeled church, often called “the
second church” was dedicated on August 26, 1849.
Job Guest is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
Remodeling of first church is started.
August 26—Remodeling of church is completed. The new church is
dedicated by Dr. Kennady of the Philadelphia Conference.
Littleton F. Morgan is appointed pastor at Foundry.
November 28—Bishop Beverly Waugh preaches Thanksgiving sermon at
John W. Bull is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
Foundry Sabbath School missionary society is started.
Jesse T. Peck is appointed pastor at Foundry.
July 4—Foundry contributes $22.67 toward the erection of the
Washington Monument.
William Hank is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
Elisha P. Phelps is appointed pastor at Foundry.
November 12—Collection is taken for Protestant Orphan Asylum.
December 29—The Foundry Choir sings at the Smithsonian Institution
for the benefit of the poor.
Asbury Church becomes independent.
January 1—A new suit is given Thomas L. Potter, choir leader.
January 8—Benjamin H. Stinemetz, a Foundry member, is elected one of
the Vice Presidents of the YMCA.
June 5—The nineteenth anniversary meeting of the Bible Society of
Washington is held at Foundry.
June 14—Foundry has its Sunday School picnic at Arlington Spring.
August 15—Foundry’s members attend camp meeting at Montgomery Camp.
September 9—Collection is taken for yellow fever sufferers at
Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Samuel Regester is appointed pastor at Foundry.
Foundry Church is renovated and improved.
September 28—Foundry is reopened.
Barnard H. Nadal is appointed pastor at Foundry.
The name “Foundry” was derived from two sources—John Wesley’s “Old
Foundery” in London and Foxall’s foundry in Georgetown. Foxall’s
Columbia Foundry produced 300 heavy guns and 30,000 shot per year.
William B. Edwards is appointed pastor and J. N. Hanks,
supernumerary, at Foundry.
William Hirst is appointed pastor at Foundry.
August 10—Hirst dies.
John Robert Fifinger is appointed pastor at Foundry.
November—Fifinger becomes ill and cannot continue.
Joseph B. Stitt is appointed pastor at Foundry.
(LEFT: Certificate presented to Abraham Lincoln as Life Director of
the Methodist Missionary, nominated at Foundry on January 18, 1863)
President Lincoln attended the January 18, 1863 service at Foundry
with renowned visiting Bishop Matthew Simpson preaching. While
raising funds for missionary work, Bishop Simpson proposed that the
President be made a Life Director of the parent mission
organization. The compliment took the President by surprise and he
asked permission to contribute. According to one account, Lincoln
arose and, stretching out his long arm to the Bishop said, “This is
the first time in my life I have ever been put upon the block. Let
me pay my money, and take me down.” Lincoln framed the certificate
of directorship and it remained hanging in the White House until
after his assassination.
William M.D. Ryan is appointed pastor at Foundry.
January—Foundry contributes $150.00 to Washington Female Orphan
January 18—President Abraham Lincoln becomes Life Director of the
Missionary Society.
November 26—Collection is taken up for aid of the United States
Christian Commission at the Foundry Thanksgiving service.
LEFT: Exterior of 14th and G street Church, circa 1918.
Despite difficult financial times caused by the Civil War, with the
appointment of Rev. M.D. Ryan in 1863, known as one of the most
enterprising preachers in the connection, Foundry planned and
constructed a new church. Within days of his arrival Rev. Ryan set
to planning an entirely new Foundry Chapel. After a year of planning
and fund raising the corner stone was laid on July 20, 1864 in a
Masonic ceremony. Portions of the new church were completed
sufficiently for services to be held in March 1865, with final
completion by the fall of 1866.
Foundry votes against lay delegates to Conference, 7 to 17.
April 12—B. H. Stinemetz is inaugurated President of the YMCA.
May 21—Ladies’ festival is held.
May 28—The tearing down of the old church is started.
July 20—The cornerstone of the new church is laid.
November 15-20—A church fair is held.
S. M. Dickson is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
April 16—Special service for Abraham Lincoln is held.
July 30—The new Sunday School room is dedicated.
B. Peyton Brown is appointed pastor at Foundry.
January 21—President Andrew Johnson attends Foundry and is made a
life member.
February 19—Concert is given for benefit of soup house on I Street
between 19th and 20th Streets, N.W.
May 15—Second reunion of the Sunday School Teachers Institute of
Methodist Schools is held at Foundry.
October 29—Centenary Jubilee is held at Foundry.
October 30—Organ concert is given at Foundry to raise money.
November 4—The new Foundry Church is dedicated.
Foundry contributes $18,000 to Centenary Fund.
June 10—Sunday School Convention of Washington District is held at
July—Removal of bodies from Foundry’s graveyard is completed.
Rev. B. Peyton Brown accompanies Peace Commission to Indians in the
Far West.
January 12—Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase is made a life director of
the Methodist Missionary Society.
Baltimore Annual Conference is held at Foundry.
Alexander Early Gibson, M.D., is appointed pastor at Foundry.
March 2—Bishop Matthew Simpson officiates at baptism at Foundry.
May 1—Washington City Bible Society meets at Foundry.
May 13—Vocal and instrumental concert is given at Foundry.
May 15-16—Annual strawberry festival is held.
July 2—Rev. Gibson preaches on behlf of camp meeting.
August—Revival meetings are in progress at Foundry.
October—Mrs. A. E. Gibson donates clothing for victims of Chicago
October 15—Collection is taken for relief of Chicago fire sufferers.
Samuel A. Wilson is appointed pastor at Foundry.
June—A lot at 15th and R Streets, N.W. is purchased for a new
September—Repairs of church and parsonage are completed.
December—An auxiliary society of the Baltimore Branch, Women’s
Foreign Missionary Society, is founded at Foundry.
Horace A. Cleveland is appointed pastor at Foundry.
Church is remodeled.
December 21—Audience room is reopened, and Foundry Church is
January 18—Rev. Thomas H. Pearne of the American Colonization
Society preaches at Foundry.
January 21—Women’s Christian Association meets at Foundry.
March 16—Rev. H. A. Cleveland serves on ministerial committee
calling conference of District clergy on temperance.
March 23—Temperance meeting is held at Foundry.
April 3—Mt. Zion Church is established.
May 11—Stockholders of the Washington Grove Camp Association hold
first annual meeting.
July 4—Foundry members attend picnic at Washington Grove Camp.
August—A committee is appointed at Foundry to oppose a District tax
on churches.
August 5-18—Camp meetings are held at Washington Grove.
November 1-3—Bishop Jesse Peck preaches at Foundry.
March—Foundry contributes $25.00 to the Washington City Bible
April—A Mr. Hugo, Hungarian exile, speaks from Foundry pulpit.
B. Peyton Brown is appointed pastor at Foundry.
March 4—President and Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes start attending
Foundry Church.
April 8—President Hayes pays his pledge of $160.00 to Foundry.
President and Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes start attending. They attend most Sundays for four years. The President and his wife Lucy walked to the church each Sunday and entered “heartily into worship.”
John Lanahan is appointed pastor at Foundry.
January 20—Bishop Edward R. Ames preaches at Foundry.
May 10—A strawberry festival is held.
May 16—Foundry presents a musical and literary program.
August 29-October 3—Protracted (revival) meetings are held.
December 22—Bishop Jesse Peck preaches at Foundry.
January 13—Four Ute Indians appear at Sunday School missionary
February 7—Bishop Matthew Simpson preaches at Foundry.
April 1—Program is given to aid the Chilean Mission Press Fund.
April 13—Four Indians from Oregon are at Sunday School Missionary
January 20—The 63rd annual meeting of the American Colonization
Society is held at Foundry.
February 22—The Congressional Temperance Society celebrates its 46th
anniversary at Foundry.
William F. Ward is appointed pastor at Foundry.
February—Miss Frances Willard, President of the Woman’s Christian
Temperance Union, speaks at Foundry.
May—The 53rd anniversary of the Washington City Bible Society meets
at Foundry.
February—An anti-polygamy meeting under the auspices of the
Washington Protestant churches is held at Foundry.
July—The Foundry congregation presents a china dinner service to
Rev. and Mrs. Ward on their 15th wedding anniversary.
January-February—Revival services are held.
Henry R. Naylor is appointed pastor at Foundry.
August 19—Foundry members participate in a centennial mass meeting
at the Washington Grove Camp.
The Epworth Hymnal is introduced at Foundry.
Foundry Church gets a new Brussels carpet, and the walls are
Preachers’ meetings are held at Foundry each Monday morning.
Easter Monday—The Rev. Julius Soper, missionary to Japan, speaks at
George Elliott is appointed pastor at Foundry.
February 15—Dr. William Butler speaks on the Sepoy Rebellion.
May 8—A meeting is called at Foundry to consider city-wide
The Lord’s Day Alliance is organized at Foundry.
February 8—The National Temperance Society meets at Foundry.
June—A farewell reception is held for Bishop and Mrs. E. G. Andrews.
July 31—The Rev. George Elliott has charge of normal work at
Mountain Lake Park.
September-October—Foundry holds revival meetings.
November 5—The Pastors’ Alliance of the District of Columbia holds
its semi-annual meeting at Foundry.
November 11—A Week of Prayer for Young Men is started.
December—Foundry observes the Charles Wesley Centennial.
December 11-13—The National Sabbath Union meets at Foundry.
July—Memorial services for Mrs. Lucy Webb Hayes are held at Foundry.
September—The portrait of Henry Foxall is presented.
Pic 1: Leadership group in front of 14th and G Street Church, circa
1890; Pic 2: Bulletin for Mrs. Lucy Webb Hayes Memorial Service at
The 1890s were a prolific period for the establishment of Methodist
related organizations in the Washington area. Active participation
in formation of The Methodist Home of the District of Columbia, and
for a Methodist university, eventually to become The American
University. Foundry member William J. Sibley donated the funds to
build Sibley Hospital in memory of his wife; Foundry women were
involved in the founding of the Lucy Webb Hayes National Training
School for Deaconesses and Missionaries.
The Sabbath Reform Convention is held at Foundry.
January 1-7—The American Society of Church History meets at Foundry.
January 19—The Glen Echo Chautauqua is started at a meeting in
June 16—The Rev. George Elliott speaks at the opening of the Glen
Echo Chautauqua.
July 26—Elliott preaches at the Summitt Grove Camp meeting.
Oliver A. Brown is appointed pastor at Foundry.
January—A Week of Prayer is observed.
June 5—The Home Missionary Society holds a mass meeting in the
interest of “Alley Work” in the District of Columbia.
Alterations are made to Foundry Church.
June—The Anti-Saloon League of the District is formed.
November—The Foundry Epworth League holds an oratorical contest the
night before Thanksgiving.
November 3—Foundry protests granting a liquor license to a store on
14th Street.
October 19—Sibley Memorial Hospital is dedicated.
“Peoples’ Service” is held on Sunday evenings.
March 8—Bishop Edward G. Andrews preaches at Foundry.
September—Annual convention of the Women’s Christian Temperance
Union is held at Foundry.
December—Hiram Price, Foundry member, is elected President of the
National Anti-Saloon League.
James L. Ewin, Foundry member, becomes President of the Anti-Saloon
League of the District of Columbia.
October—Missionary Rally is held.
October 4-11—Anti-Saloon League meeting is held at Foundry.
December—Emily Scudder of Foundry goes to do mission work in Chile.
December 4—Petition from Anti-Saloon League is presented for
October 19—Sibley Memorial Hospital is dedicated.
“Peoples’ Service” is held on Sunday evenings.
March 8—Bishop Edward G. Andrews preaches at Foundry.
September—Annual convention of the Women’s Christian Temperance
Union is held at Foundry.
December—Hiram Price, Foundry member, is elected President of the
National Anti-Saloon League.
James L. Ewin, Foundry member, becomes President of the Anti-Saloon
League of the District of Columbia.
October—Missionary Rally is held.
October 4-11—Anti-Saloon League meeting is held at Foundry.
December—Emily Scudder of Foundry goes to do mission work in Chile.
December 4—Petition from Anti-Saloon League is presented for
Lucien Clark is appointed pastor and G. H. Corey, assistant pastor,
at Foundry.
March 22—William J. Sibley dies.
July 4—Cuba’s cause is championed at Foundry.
November—“Temperance Revival” is held at Foundry.
January 7-8—Joint Commission on Federation of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, North, and the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,
meets at Foundry.
January 9—Group meets at Foundry to protest sale of wine and beer at
the Library of Congress restaurant.
November 15—The General Missionary Committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church meets at Foundry.
Dr. Luther B. Wilson is appointed pastor at Foundry.
April 17-19—The Second National Biblical Congress meets at Foundry.
May 29—Commencement exercises of the Lucy Webb Hayes National
Training School are held at Foundry.
September 25-26—10th annual convention of the Washington District
Epworth League meets.
October 4—16th anniversary of the Central Union Mission is observed
at Foundry.
December 6-10—Anniversary meetings of the Sunday School Union are
January 6-13—Union meetings are held at Foundry under the auspices
of the Evangelical Alliance.
April—John Mott preaches. President William McKinley is present.
April—The matter of welcoming strangers on Sunday mornings is
discussed at the Foundry official board meeting.
May 9—The 28th National Conference of Charities and Corrections is
opened at Foundry.
Dr. Luther B. Wilson attends the Ecumenical Conference in London.
October—A Boys’ Class is organized by the pastor.
October—The deaconess assigned to Foundry starts to visit homes in
the neighborhood of the church.
March—Bishop E. G. Andrews gives the last sermon at the old Foundry
The Church is sold and razed.
August—Dr. Luther B. Wilson is appointed by the Council of Bishops
to give the fraternal address to the General Conference of the
Methodist Church of Canada.
Robert B. Moore is appointed pastor at Foundry.
February 14—Foundry and the 15th Street Methodist Church unite.
June 27—The cornerstone of the new church is laid.
November 20—The Young People’s Home Missionary Society holds a
Christmas sale.
November 27—The Epworth League sponsors a program on “Christ in
December 21—Bishop Charles H. Fowler lectures on Abraham Lincoln.
With the coming of the twentieth century, Foundry’s leaders
confronted the growing change in the 14th Street neighborhood and
the limitations of the church space. Electric streetcar lines now
passed along 14th and G Streets and the continuing noise and lack of
sufficient room for a Sunday school provided reasons to consider
relocation. In deciding to relocate to a residential neighborhood
and with a more adequate physical plant, it was agreed that the new
church built “will bear the old name of Foundry.” After locating a
parcel at the present 16th Street location, after two years of
planning, work commenced in early May 1903, the cornerstone was laid
on June 27, and on February 28, 1904 worship started at the new
February 21—Last worship service is held in the Church at 14th and
R. Streets.
February 28—Foundry starts worshipping in the new Sunday School room
with Rev. E. H. Hughes, President of DePauw University, preaching.
April 10—The new church is dedicated.
April 11—The Epworth League presents a memorial window.
April 14—The prayer meeting room is dedicated.
April 15—An organ recital and reception is held.
May 18—The Epworth League holds a strawberry and ice cream festival
to raise money for the League Window Fund.
October 9—Bishop Frank W. Wame of Lucknow, India, preaches.
October 21—A reception for Bishop Cranston and his family is given
at Foundry.
November 4—The decision is made to support a missionary to India.
December 4—Rev. F. Baker Benson preaches at Foundry before leaving
for India.
April 7—A Committee of 12 is appointed to serve at church doors to
overcome lack of cordiality.
September 22—The use of the new hymnal is approved.
October 6—Official Board endorses the D. C. Commissioners proposal
to keep 16th Street for purely residential purposes.
October 29—Bishop Thobum gives missionary address.
October 30—Bishop McCabe lectures at Foundry.
November 3—Official Board rejects proposal to purchase painting of
Foxall Foundry.
January—Men’s Brotherhood started at Foundry.
November 23—Foundry gives entertainment for benefit of North Capitol
Street M.E. Church.
December 26—Primary Department gives Christmas cantata, “On
Bethlehem’s Plain”, for benefit of missions.
April 21—California Rehabilitation Day is observed.
May—Lot for new parsonage is purchased on P Street.
July 5—Contribution is made for prohibition campaign in Oklahoma.
October 23-24—Foreign missionary conference is held.
November, 1st Sunday—Foundry has Sacramental and Old Folks Day.
Clarence E. Wise is appointed assistant pastor at Foundry.
May 27—Rev. W. A. Quayle lectures on “Shakespeare’s Tragedy of
October 17-November 2—Gypsy Smith holds evangelistic meetings.
January 20—The Pastor’s Mission Study for six weeks starts. The
subject will be “Mohammed.”
March 7—Bishop McDowell preaches at Foundry.
May 2—Individual communion cups are introduced.
June 7—Foundry members make a pilgrimage to the grave of William
Watters, first American-born Methodist preacher.
November—The ladies of Foundry furnish the food for the Deaconess
Home for the month.
William R. Wedderspoon is appointed pastor of Foundry.
January 29—The Foxall Literary and Debating Society is organized.
March 13—Bishop Earl Cranston preaches at Foundry.
April 17-September 25—Rev. Harry Farmer serves as acting pastor at
June 27—The Sunday School goes on its annual excursion to River
October 9—The Sunday School holds its Rally Day.
October 26—A reception is held for the Board of Bishops in the
church parlors.
December 13—A thank-offering is taken for the Rosedale Mission.
January 2—The pastor holds a New Year’s reception at the parsonage.
February 16—The 16th anniversary of the International Reform Bureau
is observed at Foundry.
May 5, 7, 10—The Katharine J. Laws Sunday School class celebrates
its Silver Jubilee.
May 28—The New Chorus Choir of 70 volunteer singers appears in a
special song service.
December 31—Dr. Wedderspoon preaches on Francis Asbury.
N. H. Holmes is appointed assistant pastor of Foundry.
January 16—A reception is held for Rev. and Mrs. Baker of Ajmere,
February 18-March 31—The Epworth League conducts a contest to
stimulate interest in the League and attendance at its devotional
April 1—Pews for the new Conference year are assigned.
May 14—“Mite-boxes” are opened.
June 9—President William H. Taft delivers the address at the
reception for Bishops Thirkield and Cranston and their families.
November 1—The Epworth League holds its business meeting and has a
“Box Party.”
November 11—The cornerstone of the new Sibley Hospital is laid.
November 25—The King’s Heralds hold their first meeting.
January 25—The girls of the Senior Department of the Sunday school
start a sewing circle for the benefit of the Methodist orphanage.
April 1—Prof. Anton Kaspar starts to direct the quartette and choir.
October 14—The new Sunday School orchestra holds its first
Foundry pledges $1250.00 for “Foundry Room” in Sibley Hospital.
May 17—Senator George W. Norris of Nebraska speaks at Silver Jubilee
service of the Epworth League.
April-June—Dr. Wedderspoon preaches a Sunday evening series on
“Scenes in the Holy Land.”
October 25-November 1—Foundry celebrates its 100th anniversary.
December 31—A Victrola Concert is given prior to the Watch Night
Chancel of Church before 1940 renovation
March—The general topic for the Prayer and Praise Service on
Thursday evenings is “The Polity, Usages and Beliefs of the
Methodist Episcopal Church.”
April 1—The choir with orchestra gives “The Seven Last Words” by
April 19—A church social and reception is held to celebrate the
25th anniversary of Dr. Wedderspoon’s entrance into the ministry.
Walter Everett Burnett is appointed pastor at Foundry.
February 25—Washington District of the Women’s Home Missionary
Society celebrates its 30th anniversary at Foundry.
March 29-April 3—The Baltimore Annual Conference is held at Foundry.
March 31—President Woodrow Wilson speaks at the Bishop Asbury
October 10—A farewell reception is held for Dr. Wedderspoon.
F. I. Mumford is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
February 9—A reception is held for Rev. Burnett and his family.
May—A Mothers’ Jewels society is formed.
May 13—Miss Birdella Miller becomes a member of Foundry.
June—The Navy League Auxiliary of Foundry supplies warm knitted
garments for sailors.
July 8—A new United States flag is unfurled at morning services. An
informal reception for visiting soldiers is held in the evening.
October 21—“The Pastor’s Counsel Hour” is announced.
November 29—A public reception is held for business girls.
December 14—Foundry holds a War Relief Bazaar.
Dr. Herbert F. Randolph is appointed pastor at Foundry.
January—The Foundry War Relief and Navy Relief Sections meet to make
plans for special services for soldiers and sailors.
January 26—Open house is held for soldiers and sailors.
February—A lack of coal makes it necessary to dispense with all
week-day and week-night services.
September 30—Rev. Burnett and his family are given a farewell
The 31st Annual Convention of the Lord’s Day Alliance is held at Foundry.
February 10-12—The 3rd annual conference of institute deans and
managers of the Epworth League is held at Foundry.
September—Children from the Swartzell Home are guests at Rally Day
December 12—Bishop Edgar Blake preaches.
June-July—Dr. Randolph preaches two series of sermons, one on “The
Pearl of Progress” and the other on “The Pearl of Parables.”
October 6—A church school of religious education starts.
October 30—Bishop Thirkield preaches.
November 13—William J. Bryan, Senator William S. Kenyon, and Mme.
Kagi Yajima of Japan speak at Foundry.
April 2-7—Bishop Henderson conducts the Lenten services.
June—Dr. Randolph is elected President of the Pastor’s Federation
of Washington.
December 10—Dr. Herbert F. Randolph preaches his last sermon at
December—Dr. George Clarke Peck is named interim pastor at Foundry.
Dr. Frederick Brown Harris is appointed pastor. Dr. Harris was
pastor for over three decades until his retirement in 1955. During
this time he also served the longest tenure of any other Chaplin of
the United States Senate.
November 16—Dr. Harris opens his ministry at Foundry.
December 14—E. Stanley Jones speaks at Foundry.
Pastor Harris and Director of Religious Education Rev. John C.
Millian with Sunday school classes.
Foundry Facts is started.
March 29—The illuminated sign in front of the church is
June 5—The Girl Scout organization of Foundry is presented a
silver cup at the Court of Awards by Mrs. Calvin Coolidge.
October—The Rev. John C. Million is appointed Director of
Religious Education at Foundry.
November 23—Foundry holds a Family Night.
The new parsonage is started.
May 3—The Board of Bishops holds its semi-annual meeting at Foundry.
September 30—Foundry’s “Forward Program” is launched.
November—Miss Katherine J. Laws wills her diamond ring to Bishop
Frederick Bohn Fisher to be used for a boys’ school in India.
December 19—Bishop William Fraser McDowell preaches at Foundry.
December 25—President and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge attend a Christmas
service at Foundry sponsored by the Washington Federation of
February 7—The Religious Educational Workers’ Association of the
Baltimore Conference meets at Foundry.
March—The new Foundry parsonage is occupied.
April—Dr. Harris is elected president of the Washington Federation
of Churches.
May 13—The first Mother and Daughter banquet is held at Foundry.
June—More than one hundred Foundry children present a pageant, “The
Voices of God.”
Summer—The church auditorium is undergoing repairs and redecoration.
October 15—The Foundry young people give a reception for the
students and faculty of American University.
November 25—Foundry holds a “Donation Party.”
April 20—U. S. Grant III addresses the Men’s Club.
May 7—Harry O. Hine is elected President of the Methodist Union.
June 10—Memorial services are held for Bishop Luther B. Wilson.
September—The Rev. Eddy L. Ford is appointed Director of Religious
March 3—Special pre-inaugural services are held at Foundry with
Senator Alvin B. Barkley giving the address.
April 2-8—The Baltimore Annual Conference is held at Foundry.
June 20—The Foundry Quarterly Conference decides to buy the Blodgett
property at the corner of 16th and P Streets.
October 13—Dr. Benson Baker preaches at Foundry.
December 30—The Blodgett property is deeded to the church.
Shortly after he arrived in 1924, Rev. Harris introduced a “Forward
Program” to expand facilities for youth activities and religious
education along with a new parsonage, a new pipe organ and a new
educational building. The new parsonage was built on Massachusetts
Avenue near the Washington Cathedral in 1926. The adjoining Lett’s
House was purchased in 1929 and educational and social rooms
configured; and in 1930 renovations were made to the Dramatic Hall
(now called Fellowship Hall)
Misses Frances and Esther Van Dyne, missionaries from
Foundry in Algiers, are home on furlough.
January 12—Bishop William F. McDowell is guest preacher.
March 28—This is opening night for the new educational building.
November 12-14—The new parsonage and remodeled church school
auditoriums are dedicated.
December 27—Mrs. William F. McDowell dies.
October 5-7—The 60th anniversary meeting of the Baltimore branch of
the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society is held at Foundry.
November 15—The dedication of the illumination of the “Come Unto Me”
window on 16th Street is held.
February 20—The Junior Department of the church holds its annual
November 24—President and Mrs. Herbert Hoover attend the
Thanksgiving Service at Foundry. Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes preaches.
June 25—The 30th anniversary of the cornerstone laying is observed.
September 19—A kindergarten for 4-5 year olds is started.
November 8-15—The District Leadership Training School is held at
February 21—The Lenten Teacher Training Course starts.
July 15—Dr. Frederick Brown Harris preaches at the American Church
in Paris.
October 6—Foundry holds a Church Clean-up Day.
October 17-21—The General Executive of the Women’s Foreign
Missionary Society meets at Foundry.
October 28—Edwin Markham speaks at Foundry.
November 11-December 9—A Church Loyalty Crusade is observed.
November 18—The vestry, which has been improved in appearance by a
gift of Henry Breuninger, is opened for view.
December 27—The Foundry Players give “The Tinker” as their Christmas
February 22—Children from the Swartzell Home for Children
participate in a “Pageant of the Months.”
March—Foundry increases the size of its advertisement in the Evening
Star and puts church bulletins in nearby hotels for greater
June 4—Baltimore Annual Conference is held at Foundry.
October 13—New church hymnals are dedicated.
November 2—The Couples Class is started.
November 24—Joash Chest Day is observed.
December 2—Bishops Hughes, Smith, Cushman, Mead and Leete speak at
Evangelistic Conference at Foundry.
May 8—The first amateur show is sponsored by the Beacon Class in the
Dramatic Hall.
May 24—Baccalaureate Services of Southeastern University of the YMCA
are held as part of Foundry’s morning service.
June 29-July 10—A Union Vacation Church School is held.
October—The Woman’s Guild arranges the Foundry Forum with a series
of lectures on “The World Today.”
December 25—President and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt attend Foundry.
Foundry leads all churches in the number of Christian Advocate
January 22—The Foxall Class holds a Father and Son banquet.
February 7—Foundry observes the 100th anniversary of the birth of
Dwight L. Moody.
April 28—Funeral services for Bishop McDowell are held at Foundry.
May 26—The women’s societies hold a tea for the Chinese Church.
June 10—The Spencerian Class presents a pageant on “Famous Women of
the Bible.”
Debt Reduction Campaign is carried on.
March 6—The Foundry Forge for Christian Living is inaugurated.
May 21—A benefit concert is given for Chinese war victims.
June 12—The congregation rises in support of a resolution calling
for an embargo on shipment of war materials to Japan.
October 12—The Fall Rally of the Methodist Union is held at Foundry.
Understandably, Rev. Harris disliked the large brass organ pipes
which dominated the front of the church, providing little space for
the choir.
LEFT: Renovated sanctuary with new altar and reredos and Hughes
Lectern, named in honor of Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes, and McDowell
Pulpit, named in memory of Bishop William Fraser McDowell, circa
The extensive renovations in 1940 replaced the imposing organ pipes
with new and revoiced pipes concealed above the chancel. A new
limestone altar surrounded by a carved reredos with modern figures
and blue leaf background are framed by carved representations of
saints, apostles and martyrs. Above it was installed a new
predominately blue stained glass window devoted to the theme of the
“Passion and Glorification of Jesus.” A new pulpit was installed
along with a new lectern.
January—A memorial pulpit for Bishop McDowell is proposed.
February—Foundry gives its communion offering of $250 to help
establish a McDowell Chair of Religion at American University.
February 19—Bishop J. W. Pickett of India preaches at Foundry.
March 5—Foundry celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Methodist
April 15—A tea is held at the episcopal residence to form a Garden
Club to beautify the lawns in front of the church.
October 15—Bishop Herbert Welch preaches at Foundry.
November 24—Boy Scout Troop 47 of Foundry celebrates its 10th
Plans for a divided chancel are developed and executed.
September 22—The Charter Meeting of the Woman’s Society of Christian
Service is held.
October 8—The first regular meeting of the WSCS is held.
November 10—The new chancel is consecrated.
November 28—“The Pageant of Foundry” is presented.
December 3—A church supper and bazaar is held.
The War had an enormous impact with membership and attendance
reaching an all-time high. Servicemen relished the welcome of weekly
Saturday night dinner and dance parties in Lett House, which
continued without interruption during the War. Many attended
services and sought the hospitality of Foundry’s warm welcome.
Services were often crowded with ten across in the pews.
On the Christmas Day service in 1941, days after Pearl Harbor,
Foundry was the venue of the Washington Interfaith Christmas Service
attended by President Roosevelt, Mrs. Roosevelt and Prime Minister
Winston Churchill, FDR insisting “It is good for Winston to sing
hymns with the Methodys.” Churchill later wrote of the service: “The
President and I went to church together on Christmas Day, and I
found in peace in the simple service and enjoyed singing the
well-known hymns, and one, ‘O Little Town of Bethlehem’ I had never
heard before.”
January 19-February 23—Loyalty month is observed.
March 2—The Day of Compassion is observed. Foundry gives more than
May 10—The Foundry Players present “The Legend of Lincoln” on radio.
October 4—The first Saturday night party for servicemen is held.
December 25—Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill attend the
services of the Washington Federation of Churches at Foundry.
James H. Phillips is appointed assistant pastor at Foundry.
May 31—The baptismal font is presented in memory of Mrs. Annie
Catherine Smith.
May 24—Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt speaks to the Foundry Forge.
October 3—The tower chimes, in memory of L. E. Breuninger, are
October 10—Dr. Harris is elected Chaplain of the U.S. Senate.
October 11—Foundry starts having two morning services.
October 22—It is announced that Glenn Carow has been elected as
Foundry’s new organist.
February 28—Madame Chiang Kai-shek attends Foundry.
March 7—A service flag with 80 stars is completed and dedicated.
May—Rev. Phillips enters the Army Chaplaincy.
August—Richard Buckingham is appointed assistant pastor.
November 7—The Irving O. Ball Memorial Chapel is dedicated.
Dr. John R. Edwards is appointed associate pastor at Foundry.
January 27—The Bishops’ Crusade for a New World Order for the
Washington area is held at Foundry.
February—The Forge series is on “Christian Youth Facing Community
May 18—Benson Baker dies.
January 7-February 11—The Crusade for Christ is held.
January 21—“Christ-for-the-World Day” is observed. Vice President
Harry S Truman attends.
February 11—The lighted globe in memory of Benson Baker is
Ralph C. John is appointed assistant pastor at Foundry.
October 9—Foundry holds an All States Party.
LEFT: Foundry Players’ cast of “Christ in a Concrete City” in 1964.
In 1946, with the return of peace and a large number of young adult,
the Foundry Players were formed and would continue for over 60 years
to stage critically acclaimed productions in Fellowship Hall of full
length plays three to four times a year.
January 14—George Ward starts as business manager.
January 17—Foundry plans a dramatic program under the direction of
Mrs. Jane Plummer Rice.
April—Foundry Players begin productions.
June 15—A Foundry Family Picnic is held.
October 6—The Feast of Love is observed.
October 9—Foundry has a Church Fellowship Night.
January 19—Ambassador Norman Makin of Australia preaches.
February 10-17—The Foundry Visitation Fellowship is launched.
April—Foundry contributes $10,000 for Methodist relief activities in
September 24—Ecumenical Day is observed at Foundry.
October 12—A pantomime, “Woman’s Contribution to Methodism”, is
November 16-17—The National Stewardship Institute of the blueen Rule
Foundation meets at Foundry.
February 22—Lillian Picken of India tells the church school of her
March—The room along the side of the sanctuary has been remodeled as
a sacristry.
April—The Foundry Forge, the Methodist Men and the WSCS combine in
presenting a University of Christian Living series on “The United
September 22—The Official Board offer Foundry’s playground equipment
to Hughes Methodist Church in Wheaton.
November 14—Bishop Wilbur E. Hammaker preaches at Foundry.
December—A new parapet is installed in the chancel.
March 6—Brass plates with inscriptions are placed on Foundry
March 16—Bishop James H. Straughn preaches at Foundry.
April—The church nursery is renovated. Altar boys and crucifiers are
added to the service.
November 16—The new church kitchen and facilities in basement are
opened for inspection.
Rev. Harris greets Dr. Syngman Rhee the President of the Republic of
South Korea, who frequently attended Foundry with Mrs. Rhee while in
Washington. In the Fall of 1951, with Rev. Harrris’ support, 40
Koreans organized a Methodist congregation using Foundry’s Ball
Chapel, meeting weekly. They would meet there for 27 years,
eventually forming the Korean United Methodist Church of Greater
F. Norman Van Brunt is appointed assistant pastor at
February 14—Funeral services are held for Bishop Hughes. Bishop
Francis McConnell preaches the funeral sermon.
October—The pulpit bible is given as a memorial to David Richard
and John R. Stephan.
November—The Christian Social Relations and Local Church
Activities Department of the WSCS sponsors a series of broadcasts on
“Religion in American Life.”
January 8—Foundry Leadership School starts.
March 28—The Foundry Symphony Orchestra under the direction of
Glenn Carow gives its first concert.
May 6—Miss Helen Kim speaks at Foundry.
October—The Altar Guild is started.
October 14—The Korean Church with Rev. Kim as pastor is started.
November 3—Foundry youth and young adults collect clothing for
May 18—The Chancel Passion Window is lighted.
October 7—A reception for Bishop and Mrs. G. Bromley Oxnam is held
at Foundry.
October 19—The Women’s Parlor is opened.
The Friendly Hour following Sunday evening services is held in the
church parlor.
Boy Scout Troop 17 is organized.
January—The Foundry Forge purchases athletic equipment for the
College of West Africa at Monrovia, Liberia.
April 30—The Official Board authorizes the pastor to try to raise
$5,000 to obtain the Lincoln certificate.
October 11—The Foundry players present “The Boy With a Cart.”
November 18—A Fall Festival and Hobby Show is held.
LEFT: Renovated Church sanctuary circa 1960.
Sanctuary renovated with recessed lighting and jeweled cathedral
glass placed in the dome, memorial windows placed in doors leading
to sanctuary, and blue covering placed on walls around the reredos
and chancel window.
April—Memorial windows are placed in the doors leading into
the sanctuary and jewelled cathedral glass placed in the dome.
April 8—Dr. Leslie D. Weatherhead speaks at Foundry.
May—The Music Committee presents the Annual Festival of Music.
Fall—The sanctuary is redecorated
November 14—The Lincoln certificate is enshrined.
November 16—A 30th anniversary banquet is given for Dr. and Mrs.
Nearly a year after Dr. Harris’ retirement, in 1955, Theodore Henry
Palmquist was appointed senior pastor and gave his first sermon on
June 29, 1955, and was of the belief that “Religion is a pageant,
not a dirge.” He had the fourth longest tenure of any Foundry
Pastor, some 9½ years. He was the driving force behind the
construction of the new education wing addition which was built in
1961 on the site of the Lett’s House.
April 5—The retirement of Dr. Harris and the appointment of Dr. T.
H. Palmquist are announced.
May 6—A Family Night is held at Foundry.
June 5—Dr. Harris closes his ministry at Foundry.
June 12—Dr. Palmquist preaches his first sermon at Foundry.
January 1-February 12—Dr. Palmquist preaches on “Seven Roads to
Vital Happiness in 1956.”
March—The chapel is painted and carpeted, and new pews are
April 1—Easter Services are held at Constitution Hall.
June 24—An All Church Picnic is held at Rock Creek Park.
September—The choir has a room for its own use.
The Foundry Colony Plan is started.
January 6-March 10—Dr. Palmquist preaches on the Ten Commandments
with the Foundry Players participating.
March—Foundry leads the area in giving for Hungarian Relief.
June—Richard Nowers is appointed Minister of Youth and Visitation.
December 8—Operation Half-Mile is held.
December 15—The Choir gives a Candlelight Christmas Musical.
The sanctuary, chapel and dining room are air conditioned.
January 12-February 2—The WSCS study series is on “The Social
Witness of the Local Church in the Ecumenical Movement.”
February 16—Church services are cancelled due to snow.
June 8—The Cathedral Choir gives “Miriam’s Song of Triumph” by Franz
Schubert, the first performance in Washington.
June 25—A Prayer Vigil is held in Ball Memorial Chapel from 7 a.m.
to 6 p.m.
September 27—The WSCS have a Tea at the Embassy of Iran.
March—The Greeters in the Narthex are started.
April 12—Bishop James C. Baker preaches at Foundry.
July 23—The Foundry Forge goes to the Methodist Home to help
Harry O. Hine celebrate his 95th birthday.
November 22—A congregational meeting votes in favor of the new
educational building.
Ground breaking for new Breuninger Educational Building, Easter
Sunday, April 17, 1960 with Dr. Palmquist officiating.
January 27-February 10—A campaign is held to raise money for the
educational building.
April 11-16—This is Moving Week from Letts House to the Church.
April 17—Ground breaking ceremonies are held.
May 4-June 8—The Foundry Forum on Wednesday evenings is presented.
May 15, 22—The Foundry Players give “A Sleep of Prisoners.”
June 18—The choir presents “The Invisible Fire” by Effinger for the
delegates to the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference.
November 4—Bishop John Wesley Lord preaches. The cornerstone is
January 1-February 12—The Foundry Choral Readers give selections
from James Weldon Johnson’s “God’s Trombones.”
April 2—The Service of Consecration and open house for the
Breuninger Educational Building are held.
April 25—The first creative arts class under John Bryans is started.
June 11—Dr. Berkley C. Hathorne comes as Director of the Foundry
Counseling Service.
June 25—Lewis E. J. Yates is appointed Minister of the Parish.
Robert Fabik is appointed Director of the Creative Arts Program.
January 7-February 25—The Young Adults have a series on the “Basis
of Our Christian Beliefs.”
February—Dr. Paul Morrison is appointed Director of Finance.
June 3—Foundry has a Christian Recognition Day for young drivers.
January 13-February 17—Dr. Palmquist’s sermon series is on
“Shakespeare and the Six Deadly Sins.” The Foundry Players assist in
the service.
March 1, 2, 8, 9—Foundry Players present “J.B.”
May 19—The Ushers Committee sponsors a Hobby Show.
April—Rev. John C. Mayne is appointed Minister of the Parish.
June 16—A reception is held for Dr. and Mrs. Palmquist in
recognition of their 8 years at Foundry and his 30 years in the
July 22-26—A training class for the Laubach program, “Each One Teach
One,” is held.
At the dinner to honor Foundry’s 150th Anniversary, Rev. Edward
Bauman, pictured to the right next to Rev. Clarence Wise, associate
pastor, 1909-1910, was introduced as the new Senior Pastor. Rev.
Bauman gave his first sermon in December, 1964 and would serve the
church for 27½ years until July 1992.
February 9—Bishop Edgar A. Love preaches at Foundry.
May 31—A program of orchestral and choral music is given under the
auspices of churches in the area for the benefit of Uplift House.
August 16—Dr. Palmquist announces his appointment as minister of
First Methodist Church, Palo Alto, California.
August 30—Dr. Palmquist closes his ministry at Foundry.
September 1—Dr. Paul Morrison is appointed Interim Minister.
October—A pre-school for neighborhood children is started.
November 20—The 150th Anniversary Banquet is held with Dr. Ralph W.
Sockman as speaker.
November 22—Bishop W. Earl Ledden preaches Anniversary Sermon.
December 1—Dr. Edward W. Bauman starts his ministry at Foundry.
Membership reaches 1,723.
“Each-One–Teach-One” program with volunteers teaches English and
reading skills to neighborhood residents.
Bob Fabik supervises teenage leadership program.
Rev. Palmquist on Boards of Urban league and Uplift House which is
supported in part by monthly contributions from Church.
Eleven churches benefit Uplift House with Spring Programs of
orchestral and choral music by neighborhood high schools.
August—Last service of Dr. Palmquist, whose sermon ”Not a Period,
but a Dash!” is followed by farewell reception; Dr. Paul Morrison,
Director of Finance since 1961, is Interim Minister pending
selection of Dr. Palmquist’s successor.
October 1—Pre-School operates in Davenport Center with funding from
New York Avenue Presbyterian Church under leadership of Rev. John
Mayne, Minister of the Parish.
November 15—Dr. Morrison, in preparation for 150th Anniversary
speaks on “Foundry’s Cradle in a Charred City.”
November 20—Celebration of 150th Anniversary with banquet at
Sheraton-Park Hotel, culminates with Dr. Edward Bauman, professor of
theology and Christian ethics at Wesley Theological Seminary,
joining as Senior Minister on December 6.
Church Bulletin features Weekly “Chronology and Historical
Narratives of Foundry’s 150 Years,” for 22 weeks.
November 22—Bishop Earl Ledden anniversary sermon on “To the Glory
of God”.
December—Historical Christmas past presenting persons from Foundry
‘s history.
February—Rev. Paul Morrison, Minister of the Parish leaves after
three years of service.
March—H. William Heslop is Minister of Pastoral Care.
June—Pre-School, with 80 volunteers, operates a two month Head-Start
program under nationwide “Operation Head-Start” for 45 children ages
4-1/2 to 6-1/2.
Fall—Ministry of Prayer and Health offers Sunday evening Healing
Congregation writes to Congress to support minimum wage of
Young Adults begin Coffee in the Catacombs. First topic, led by Rev.
Bauman, is “From Sin to Salvation in the Theology of Peanuts.”
Church Bulletin features Covenent of Renewal for Spiritual Renewal.
First issue of The Foundry Flame, monthly newsletter.
October—Foundry Players present “A Man for All Seasons.”
Inner-City Coordinating Council, after review of report on
Head-Start Program along with Pre-School Committee, endorses
continuing Pre-School supported by Church funding.
January Festival of Arts.
April 200th anniversary of Methodist Church.
Tower Forum and Adult Short Course program begin.
Healing service sponsored by Ministry of Healing continues on
“Affluence and Poverty” joint study group with Metropolitan A.M.E.
August—Dr. Arthur Flemming is guest preacher with sermon “The
National Council of Churches and the War in Vietnam.”
September 12—Foundry Pre-School opens with 38 children attending.
Commission on Education expands Adult Sunday School courses with
“short courses” on vital faith issues.
October—Christian study series “Affluence and Poverty: the Dilemma
for Christians”.
November—New Methodist Hymnal begins use.
December—Rev. Bauman narrates from National Gallery of art “A Child
Is Born” on color TV.
Foundry—Metropolitan Community Council formed as a joint venture
with Metropolitan A.M.E Church as a forum to discuss community
issues; study groups and various task forces are formed on housing,
youth and social issues.
Twenty-first anniversary of Foundry Players, presents “Jenny Kissed
Dr. Paul Warner named Minister of Parish; Rev. John C. Mayne departs
after four years of service.
June—Volunteers tutor neighborhood children three nights a week;
north stairs to balcony are completed.
1967 Cookbook released.
December—Joint church meeting with Metropolitan A.M.E. Church
highlights anniversary of joint Community Council; Walter Fauntroy
speaks on addressing problems of inner-city.
December 17—Under direction of Choir Director Glenn Carow, choir and
orchestra present Bach’s Christmas Oratorio Part I and excerpts from
Handel’s Messiah.
January—Discussion program on “The Growing Narcotic Menace.”
Young Adult Fellowship is active and sponsors January retreat and
February Ski Weekend, Sunday evening Vespers service and “outward
journey” in Coffee Cave.
April 4—five days of riots in the wake of Dr. King’s assassination
destroys many businesses in the nearby 14th and U Street corridor.
April—In wake of riots emergency cash fund approved to aid victims.
June—Walter Fauntroy, Vice Chair of newly created D.C. City Council
speaks on inner city issues.
September issue of Church and Home features article on Prayer and
Health Ministry.
Dr. Homer Calkin’s book, Castings from the Foundry Mold, A History
of Foundry Church 1818-1964, is published.
Rev. Kay Bailey Moore is named Coodinator of Inner City Ministries.
Foundry Flame features monthly column: “From Viet Nam: A Soldier’s
Volunteers continue work with urban poor at Central Union Mission.
November—Rev. Bauman sermon series “Christ and the Meaning of Life.”
December—Children’s choir performs on Clair and CoCo TV show with
Rev. Bauman reading Christmas scripture.
Foundry Players open season with “Barefoot in the Park.”
February—Joyful Sound worship on contemplative spirituality.
April—Governing bodies of church reorganized into Administrative
Board, meeting quarterly and Council on Ministries mapping strategy
for church as a whole.
Marion Beasley is Lay Leader; Kenneth Farnham is Chairman of the
Council on Ministries.
Affluence and Poverty Study Group active in Foundry-Metropolitan
Community Council.
April—A “Happening” is held for youth and families following Rev.
Bauman’s sermon “And the Beat Goes On.”
Dr. Leroy S. Graham becomes Director of the Washington Pastoral
Counseling Service.
Herb Barksdale becomes Community Counselor.
May—47th annual “birthday dinner” of the Central Union Mission held
with Rev. Bauman speaking.
Fall—Under leadership of Rev. Kay Moore, two Sunday School classes
on “The Black-White Gap.”
December—Approximately 50 congregants meet with three area
African–American churches at Albright United Methodist Church for
day-long seminar on racial reconciliation.
January—Foundry Players present “A Streetcar Named Desire.”
Rev. Bauman’s Dialogue series follows Wednesday evening fellowship
June—Symbolic mortgage burning features return of Dr. Palmquist, the
force behind Brueninger Educational Building.
August 18—Death of Dr. Frederick Brown Harris, Senior Pastor for
31-1/2 years.
Fall—Foundry-Metropolitan Community Council opens Neighborhood
Communications Center to direct on-going volunteer activities.
October—Herb Barksdale speaks on enabling congregation in dealing
with low-income and minority groups.
Royce Ragland is Head of Pre-School Administration.
October 20—Foundry Players celebrate 25th anniversary with “The Man
Who Came to Dinner.”
Sermon discussion groups following each service begin.
First Easter balloons with approximately 1500 released follow each
Development of five-year strategic plan.
Task Force on Christian Social Concerns initiates a skills bank to
assist housing and socials needs of neighborhood residents.
Jim Palmer joins staff as seminarian.
December—Informal 9:30 worship service starts with first appearance
of Joyful Noise.
Wednesday evening dialogues with Rev. Bauman continue.
Jim and Mary Palmer become directors of Pre-School.
Prayer Study action groups created.
May—Dr. Paul Warner retires in after six years of service.
Wesley Class celebrates 50 years and present five oil paintings by
John Bryans depicting the history of Methodism placed in Fellowship
July—Rev. Donald Stewart, Associate Pastor of the Damascus United
Methodist Church, appointed Associate Pastor; UMC General Conference
adopts position in Book of Discipline that homosexuality is
incompatible with Christian teaching.
Life sharing groups set up for prayers, spiritual study and life
Reserve Fund established to purchase new bells.
May—The United Methodist Women is founded, to succeed Women’s
Society of Christian Service and the Wesleyan Service Guild.
Deborah’s Place founded along with five other churches; gift shop
opened to raise funds.
Dr. J. Philip Wogaman speaks on issues of international peace to
Short Course Class.
Senior Citizen “Lunch Bunch” begins.
Lee Meredith retires after 23 years in Choir as soprano soloist.
Rev. John Campbell becomes Minister of Nurture and Mission.
Flatbed truck with bells in process of installation, July, 1976
March—Bells cast in Switzerland.
June 1—Bells hoisted in bell tower.
July 4—David O. Smith Memorial Bells dedicated.
Fall—Glenn Carow retires as Choirmaster and Dr. Eileen Guenther
joins as Minister of Music.
Luther Place Shelter opens for women with congregants among
overnight volunteers.
March—Hostage crises at B’nai Brith; Church becomes a central place
of rest and comfort for the families of hostages.
March 22—Bells ring the good news of safe release of hostages.
One of first Neighborhood Bible Study Groups that met weekly
starting in the 1970s and continuing to present in congregant’s
homes in D.C., Maryland and Virginia. This one hosted by Tom and
Adele Hutchins.
Under leadership of Dr. Flemming, Emmaus Services founded with four
other churches.
Rev. Bauman’s 25th year as an ordained elder is celebrated.
Family Forums class established.
Thelma Matthews retires as Church Hostess and Wedding Director after
some 13 years of service.
Rev. Bauman preaches sermon “Reflections on the Gay Life,” in which
he calls for greater sensitivity to the humanity and feelings of gay
and lesbian people.
Community, Hunger, Housing and Prison Mission Groups founded.
Worship Committee formed.
Support groups for education and ecumenical affairs are created.
Fund for Chapel renovation founded.
Ruth Ann Miller joins clergy staff as seminarian.
For over 15 years, “The Joyful Noise” folk group of church members
provided acclaimed music and spiritual direction at the 9:30 AM
Sunday Service
Hunger Mission monthly bread sales begin.
Renovated Ball Memorial Chapel (designed by Debi Bauman) is
Housing mission forms no-profit Housing Corporation.
Foundry Focus begins.
Spiritual Journaling class begins.
Mission Council established to coordinate work of mission groups.
Rev. Ruth Ann Miller is named Minister of Education.
Peace with Justice Mission group established.
Refugee Mission created; sponsored Armenian–Romanian family of six.
Sanctuary Renovation Committee recommends new organ for Sanctuary.
Family Ministries began.
Newcomer’s Table established for assistance to new members and
First Foundry Housing Volunteer begins work.
Sandwich making began October 31; by November, making 1/2 of 500
November—First Christmas Gift Catalogue issued.
December 9—Dr. Theodore Plamquist, former Senior Pastor, dies.
Budget is over $500,000.
By Jan. 16, sandwiches up to 280; by April, up to 500/Month; by
November 557 sandwiches in an hour and by Jan. 1984, 602 in an hour.
United Methodist Women celebrate 100 years.
Bicentennial year of American Methodism.
UMC General Conference adopts position in Book of Discipline that no
self-proclaimed homosexual could be ordained or appointed to a
First pictorial directory of Foundry members issued.
Susan Willhauck becomes Director of Religious Education.
20th Anniversary of Dr. Bauman’s ministry celebrated in December.
Installation of 60-rank Casavant pipe organ began in October,
dedicated on December 16.
Luise Gray is Chairperson of Administrative Board.
In 1985, the chancel was renovated to greatly increase chancel
activity space to accommodate a new 60-rank Cassavant Freres pipe
organ and an enlarged choir. The architect was church member Daryl
Rippeteau, AIA. The project won the AIA/DC Award for Achievement of
Excellence in Historic Preservation and Architecture. Here, Minister
of Music and Liturgy, Eileen Guenther prepares for recital at the
organ’s dedication in 1985.
Inaugural recital on new organ.
Sandwich 500 increases to twice a month.
Shepherding program for new members begins.
Dedication of new communion rail in memory of Keith Wilcox.
Foundry Players celebrate 40th year.
Foundry members participate in Billy Graham Crusade at RFK Stadium.
Foundry participates in conference on shelter and housing.
Housing Mission participates in Christmas in April for first time.
First youth participation in Appalachia Service Project.
Creation of Homeless Mission, Committee on Race and Religion.
Bishop’s pastoral letter in Defense of Creation, the Nuclear Crisis
and a Just Peace presented to Congregation.
Rev. Donald Stewart, Associate Pastor, departs after fourteen years
of service.
LEFT: Foundry has supported the rights of the GLBT community since
the 1980’s with an AIDs Mission, participation in the Gay Pride
Parade and other advocacy efforts, and by becoming a Reconciling
Congregation in 1995, one of 200 Methodist Churches and one of the
largest in the country to do so. Here, members participate in the
1987 Affirmation March on Washington.
LEFT: Foundry members participate in 1987 July Affirmation March
Bible Retreat
Formation of AIDS Mission Group, Columbarium Planning Committee.
Pat Baker assumes position of Minister of Missions.
Rev. Edwin H. Langrall departs; Rev. John Coursey becomes Minister
of the Parish.
Rev. James P. Simmons becomes head of the Counseling Service.
Pre-School celebrates 25 years; Muriel Griffin becames director.
John Mathews participates in Peace Walk in Soviet Union.
175th Anniversary Celebration honors all members of 50 years or more
and welcomes former pastors, seminarians and members. Collage
commemorating the 175th Anniversary by Lawrence M. Romorini unveiled
and hung in Narthex.
Rev. Bauman celebrates 25th year as Foundry Minister.
Organized Bible Study Class Association celebrates 60th year.
Human Rights Commission established; in June group protested Chinese
oppression in letter to Premier Li Peng.
Homeless mission acquired Susannah Wesley House as home for formerly
homeless women.
John Parker is Chairperson of the Administrative Board; Gary Allen
is Lay Leader.
Rev. Dorthea Stroman is named Minster of Missions.
Rev. Pat Baker becomes Minister of Parish.
The Foundry Pre-School was founded in 1964 and a pilot Head Start
Program, and served neighborhood families, providing an excellent
full day pre-school for some 45 children for over 55 years in
classrooms in the Church lower meeting rooms and Davenport Center.
Membership is 1,452; annual budget $1.02M.
January—Discipleship Bible Study begins.
Work Area on Religion and Race begins series of discussions on
Reconciling Congregation movement in UMC.
May—Administrative Board, in wake of concerns voiced about scope and
direction, creates Task Force on Christian Education.
Beginning of Environment Mission; Human Rights Mission begins after
one-year study period.
Eileen Gunter celebrates 15th year of hosting “The Royal Instrument”
with a broadcast over WGMS.
Louise Grey is Chairperson of the Administrative Board; Gary Allen
is Lay Leader.
New pew bibles placed in Sanctuary.
Friday morning Homeless Walk-in Mission reaches many.
Joyful Noise retires from 9:30 service.
December—Dedication of Columbarium.
Bishop May, Leader of the Council of Bishops’ drug program, speaks.
Membership is 1467, $ 1.067M annual budget.
January—Administrative Board approves report of Task Force on
Christian Education, and recommends expanding role of Director of
Christian Education to full time position.
June—Bishop Peter Story, Minister of Central Methodist Mission,
Johannesburg, South Africa, sister church to Foundry, preaches.
July 1—Rev. Walter Shropshire appointed Minister of the Parish,
replacing Rev. Pat Baker retiring after seven years of service.
Administrative Board forms Task Force on considering implications of
becoming a Reconciling Congregation to be chaired by named Minister
of Missions.
Videotape prepared highlighting mission activities and is shown
Council on Ministries recommends revising Minister of Mission job
description supporting a full-time position.
September—New Sunday morning Adult Christian education program
October—Betty Dunlop becomes Director of Religious Education
replacing Scilla Adams.
Gary Allen is Lay Leader; John Parker chairs Administrative Board.
Completion of renovations to Davenport Center and Choir Room.
October—Transforming Congregation group presents series of speakers.
November—Rev. Bauman issues letter expressing his personal negative
position on becoming a Reconciling Congregation.
December—Rev. Bauman announces his impending retirement in June,
Membership is 1,422.
Hearings and Task Force meetings on reconciling/transforming
congregation commence.
April—Employment Mission Group established.
Nurturing Committee formed to help move new members into full
Foundry Community Connection established.
June 21—Rev. Edward Bauman closes his ministry with service for him
and his wife Audree celebrating his 27½ years of service.
July 1—J. Philip Wogaman, an imminent ethicist and long-term
educator at Wesley Theological Seminary becomes Senior Pastor.
Rev. Wogaman and wife Carolyn attend over 20 get-acquainted sessions
in homes in D.C., Virginia and Maryland.
Wednesday evening Healing Service reaches many.
Henry Engen replaces Rev. Minnie Davis as Minister of Missions.
Formation of Neighborhood Bible Study groups, Foundry College of
Applied Christianity, Susan Parker Cancer Support Group.
Adult Forum at 9:30 provides numerous courses under leadership of
David Young.
Leadership role taken in support of DuPont East Community Project,
addresses homelessness in DuPont Circle neighborhood.
November—New pictorial church directory.
Membership is 1,422.
Hearings and Task Force meetings on reconciling/transforming
congregation commence.
April—Employment Mission Group established.
Nurturing Committee formed to help move new members into full
Foundry Community Connection established.
June 21—Rev. Edward Bauman closes his ministry with service for him
and his wife Audree celebrating his 27½ years of service.
July 1—J. Philip Wogaman, an imminent ethicist and long-term
educator at Wesley Theological Seminary becomes Senior Pastor.
Rev. Wogaman and wife Carolyn attend over 20 get-acquainted sessions
in homes in D.C., Virginia and Maryland.
Wednesday evening Healing Service reaches many.
Henry Engen replaces Rev. Minnie Davis as Minister of Missions.
Formation of Neighborhood Bible Study groups, Foundry College of
Applied Christianity, Susan Parker Cancer Support Group.
Adult Forum at 9:30 provides numerous courses under leadership of
David Young.
Leadership role taken in support of DuPont East Community Project,
addresses homelessness in DuPont Circle neighborhood.
November—New pictorial church directory.
From March 1993, continuing for the next eight years, President Bill
Clinton, along with First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and their
daughter Chelsea, worshipped regularly at Foundry, attending over
half of the Sundays that the family was in Washington. Despite
Secret Service, metal detectors, protestors, and an increase in
attendance, spiritual life went on as usual at Foundry. When the
First Family bid a fond farewell in January 2001, the President
noted in his sermon comments: “I thank you all for your prayers and
your welcome to all of us in the storm and sunshine of these last
eight years. … I want to thank you for making Foundry a true
community church, welcoming Christians of all races and all nations
with all kinds of abilities and disabilities, some seen and some
not. I thank you especially for the kindness and courage of
Foundry’s welcome to gay and lesbian Christians, people who should
not feel outside the family of God.
Membership is 1449 (61 new members during the year), total pledge
units reach 468, budget is $1.022M.
Fall—First Annual Concert for Life.
March 14—President Clinton along with Hillary and Chelsea first
attend walking in snow from White House for 11:00 service, beginning
regular eight-year attendance.
Summer—Rev. Shropshire preaches sermon series, “A Vision for
Foundry”, emphasizing care and nurture of congregation.
Summer—Youth group week-long Appalachian Service Project in Harlan
County, Kentucky with Rev. and Mrs. Wogaman participating; Junior
and Senior High Youth Groups also spend week volunteering at
Martha’s Table.
Disciple Bible study expands.
Task Force on 9:30 Service issues report and recommendations;
worship survey completed for both 11:00 and 9:30 services.
September—Foundry College of Applied Christianity launched.
October—Discovering Christian Healing Conference held with some 500
November—With President Clinton and his family’s regular attendance
Secret Service sets up metal detectors at entrance to sanctuary
during visits.
Neighborhood Bible Study groups meet weekly throughout D.C.,
Virginia and Maryland.
Stephen Minister formed to provide caregiving support to congregants
in need.
Adele Hutchins is Chairperson of Administrative Board; Gary Allen is
Lay Leader.
Foundry Forge is launched as monthly newsletter.
Work Area on Religion, Race and Culture Task Force on Reconciling
Congregations, continues hearings, postponing report, on Reconciling
Congregation Programs with two weekend forum sessions, staffing
fellowship hall table and monthly potlucks.
Ad hoc Committee on Responsible Relations conducts workshops in wake
of Bauman letter.
336 pledging units and $1.286M budget.
March-April—Dr. Wogaman preaches a Lenten series: “The Way of the
Gary Allen completes five years as Lay Leader; Jon Cope is new Lay
Adele Hutchins is Chairperson of Administrative Board.
Ellen Bachman becomes Pre-School Director.
Gary Cain is appointed Minister of Missions.
Stephen Ministry expands role as form of lay ministry with five new
Stephen Ministers trained.
Task Force on Reconciling Congregation continues work and open
hearings with endorsement of Senior Pastor and Administrative Board.
United Methodist Women, with almost 100 members, has active year,
holding five general meetings.
Senator and Mrs. McGovern donate grand piano for use in sanctuary in
memory of their daughter, Terry.
April 3—Easter Service is interrupted by threatening protestor in
balcony of AIDS polices; Rev. Wogaman preaches on “Profound Joy” and
asks congregation for its prayers of healing for arrested
Summer—Dr. Wogaman preaches supporting the Clinton health care
reform initiatives with discussion in the sanctuary following the
June—10 Junior and Senior High Youth along with four counselors and
Rev. and Mrs. Wogaman participate in week-long ASP project in
Sneedville, Tennessee.
9:30 Service revitalized, attendance increases.
October—180th anniversary celebration features oral history
presentation, hymn sing, followed by old-fashioned ice cream social.
November 16—Council on Ministries approves inclusive language in new
Mission Statement.
The children’s Christmas pageant, replete with manger animals,
shepherds and Wise Men, has been a church tradition for over fifty
years. Shown here in 1995.
April 23—On Sunday following Oklahoma City bombing, Rev. Wogaman
preaches a post-Easter sermon on “From Mourning to Dancing,” based
on Psalm 30:11.
Spring—Mark Tooley of the conservative Institute for Religion
and Democracy publishes article criticizing liberal theology of Rev.
Wogaman, which is echoed by nationally-syndicated columnist Cal
Adele Hutchins is Chairperson of Administrative Board; John Cope
is Lay Leader.
November 5—At All Saints Day service the day after Israeli Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination, attended by President,
Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, Rev. Wogaman preaches on this loss and
senseless violence.
Adele Hutchins, Chairperson of the Administrative Board, chairing
historic 1995 Board vote on Church becoming a Reconciling
Saturday morning film brunch initiated under leadership of Rev.
Church joins Downtown Cluster of Churches.
Task Force on Reconciling Congregation nears completion of report
after 3½ years of study.
Draft resolution favoring reconciling congregation submitted by Task
Force to Council on Ministries which approves it.
October 3—Administrative Board after four hours of discussion and
debate, vote 56 to 49 to approve Statement of Reconciliation.
October 7—Rev. Wogaman announces results of Administrative Board
vote approving Reconciling Congregation Resolution and preaches in
November 10—PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and
Gays) sponsors Rainbow of Light Conference with keynote speaker
Episcopal Bishop John Spong.
Foundry Youth have participated in Appalachia Service Projects each
summer continuously since 1986 in impoverished communities in
Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Rev. Wogaman and his wife, Carolyn, joined 12 youth for the 1996 ASP
project in Jackson, Kentucky which also included Chelsea Clinton and
her friends for the church youth group.
$955,000 Budget, 423 pledging units, 81 new members.
January—Leadership Orienation retreat.
Bible Task Force Mission founded.
Bryan Gray is new Chairperson of Administrative Board; Suzanne
Forsyth is Lay Leader.
Adam Darling, Foundry member, dies in plane crash in Croatia with
Commerce Secretory Ronald Brown.
June—ASP Project in Jackson, Kentucky, with Rev. Phil and Carolyn
Wogaman participating along with 15 youth, four adults and Secret
Service protecting Chelsea Clinton.
Completion of new slate roof.
October 13—Laity Sunday service with congregants sharing personal
spiritual journeys.
Choral highlights include Bach’s Mass in B minor and Schubert’s Mass
in G.
AIDS Benefit Concert raises $10,000.
January 1—Rev. Wogaman is signer with 14 other prominent Methodist
ministers of a “Statement of Conscience” supporting covenant
commitments between same gendered persons and ordination of gays and
Lenten Season sermon series by Rev. Wogaman focuses on “The Way of
the Cross.”
June—16 youth and 9 adults attend Appalachia Service Project in
Brewton, West Virginia.
Rev. Nancy J. Webb appointed Minister of Christian Education.
June 22—Rev. Wogaman’s 40th anniversary of ordination as an Elder.
June—25th Anniversary of Mel Brooks’ service.
July—David Young assumes volunteer role as Equipping Minister of
Young Adults and Families.
Summer—Rev. Wogaman initiates summer sermon series of preaching by
answering questions on belief submitted by congregation.
September—Minister of Education Betty Dunlop is ordained and
position is converted to Conference appointment.
July/ August—45 tutors work with numerous children in the “America
Reads” program.
September—Jennifer Knutsen appointed Minister of Missions.
Bryan Gray is Chairperson and Bill Kirk Vice Chairperson of
Administrative Board.
AIDS concert raises $21,000.
Study group formed to assess future needs of Preschool.
November 9—Anti-gay groups picket church with distasteful posters,
protesting White House Conference on Hate Crimes; Rev. Wogaman’s
sermon criticizes mainline churches for condoning anti-gay
December—Choir presents Britten's Ceremony of Carols.
January 25—Days after news of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, with
President and Mrs. Clinton in attendance, Rev. Wogaman preaches on
“Taking the Bible Seriously,” appearing in national news photographs
escorting them from Church
Spring—Administrative Board forms 34 member Strategic Planning
August 17—Days before President’s grand jury testimony Rev.
Shropshire preaches on God’s grace; President, holding a good luck
plastic toy from Rev. Shropshire pictured with Mrs. Clinton leaving
September—Rev. Wogaman becomes one of three spiritual advisors
chosen by President Clinton to meet and counsel with him regularly,
which he does until the end of his second term in office.
On MSNBC “town meeting” Rev. Wogaman discusses President’s profound
contrition over scandal and asks for understanding. C-Span News
Foundry Democracy Project founded addressing D.C. voter’s
December—Rev. Wogaman’s book, From the Eye of the Storm: A Pastor to
the President Speaks Out, is published; he discusses in on C-SPAN.
December 15—Dr. Wogaman speaks before the National Press Club urging
forgiveness in assessing President Clinton.
December—Rev. Wogaman offers the closing prayer at the 1999 White
House Prayer Breakfast
December—Youth Choir under Frances Prince again invited to sing at
White House
Foundry Choir sings at White House Christmas festivities with
President and Hillary Clinton.
Ralph Williams, then Lay Leader, attended the 1999 Annual General
Conference as a delegate where he advocated for the end of
discriminatory language in the Book of Discipline against gays and
lesbians. He is shown here with Rev. Phil and Carolyn Wogaman who
also attended and supported these efforts.
$1.237 annual budget.
February—Strategic Planning Committee issues report with six
strategic directions and implementation steering committee is
Community Life Committee formed to bring new members into
Lunches in Davenport Center after 11:00 service are popular.
Spring—Church Council approves strategic plan calling for a major
capital campaign, “The Future of Foundry” to strengthen endowment
and make needed repairs.
Lent—Choir and orchestra performs Bach’s The Passion According to
St. John.
John Parker is recognized for his 50 years of service with senior
high youth.
Seventh Annual Concert of Life features “Wonder and Love: Music of
the Millennium.”
Continued participation in Gay Pride Parade including information
Summer—Eight-week Adult Forum Sunday School courses “Claiming the
Summer—Youth and adult leaders participate in ASP project in Wise
County, Virginia.
Seventh year of Foundry College of Applied Christianity has full
sell series of courses.
September—Architectural/mechanical/engineering study launched.
December 31—A 7:30 p.m. service welcoming the Millennium with “a
litany of gratitude and confession” by Rev. Wogaman preaching
followed by an 11:00 p.m. service in Chapel.
December—Trustees commission architectural and engineering study.
Council of Ministries absorbed into new Church Council and former
chairs, Sherie Koob, Ken Nesper, Suzanne Forsyth, Paul Newhouse,
Cheryl Gibbs and Larry Slagle are recognized for their service.
February—In a service attended by President Clinton, Rev. Wogaman
preaches in opposition to the death penalty.
“I Teams” active in implementation of Strategic Long Range Plan.
May—Kristal Lamb, US-2 volunteer two years of exceptional service
August—Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded to long-term member,
Senator George McGovern.
Summer—Second year of “America Reads” program with 20 volunteer
Fall—Annual Concert for life, “One World, Many Voices,” raised
Continued mission support to Bread for the City and Zacchaeus Free
Some 45 volunteers with Housing Mission serve 100 low income seniors
in Thomas Circle/Shaw neighborhood.
Renovation of 16th St. terrace, upgrading communications system and
repairs to Davenport Center completed.
September 9—150th Anniversary celebration at Wesley Theological
Seminary with historic music review and recognition of long time
December—Dania Douglas appointed Youth Minister.
$1.361M budget, 525 pledge units.
January 7—Hillary and Chelsea Clinton give Scripture readings and
President Clinton preaches sermon, “Reflections and Anticipations”
thanking Foundry for “your prayers and welcome to all of us in the
storm and sunshine of these last eight years”.
January—Newly formed 43-member Church Council assumes its role as
main governing administrative body; Suzanne Forsyth is Chairperson
of Church Council; Ken Nesper Associate Chairperson; Ralph Williams
is Lay Leader.
February—Church Council approves the Strategic Planning
Implementation Team’s plan for a capital campaign.
Lent—Choir and orchestra perform Part II of Handel’s Messiah.
May—Church Council on recommendation of Board of Trustees
establishes Building Committee to development plan for needed
repairs and renovations.
July—National convocation of the Fellowship of United Methodists in
Music and Worship Arts hosted.
July—under leadership of Dania Douglas, Youth Minister, wide ranging
Youth activities, including Appalachia Service Project, Help the
Homeless Walk-A-Thon and volunteering at N Street Village and So
Others Might Eat.
Foundry College of Applied Christianity in 9th year features Rev.
Wogaman's three 4-week courses on the Gospels.
Jubalate continues to perform to acclaim at 9:30 Service.
GLBT Group has active year of events.
New hymnal supplement The Faith We Sing placed in pews.
July l—Rev. Shropshire's 10 years of service is recognized.
October—Dr. Guenther's 25th Anniversary is celebrated with special
services and dinner at Wesley Seminary.
September 11—Congregation responds to tragic events, services are
held on 9/11 and 12 and a Friday service of mourning is held on 9/13
with Rev. Wogaman preaching on Sunday on "The Shaking of the
Foundations" with a text from Isaiah 4.
September 28-29—Second annual "From Racism to Reconciliation
Workshop" with over 40 participants.
Fall—AIDS Mission Group annual AIDS Benefit Concert features "Song
of Sweetness and Strength, Music of Peace" and raises $70,000.
December—Future of Foundry capital campaign has received 302 pledges
totaling some $2.0M.
All Saints Sunday choir and orchestra present John Rutters' Requiem.
December—Choir and orchestra present Bach's Magnificat and sing,
along with Jubulate at White House.
March—Led by Rev. Wogaman, Service of Repentance held on Palm Sunday
in coordination with Asbury United Methodist Church followed by
procession to Asbury and presentation of a plaque of contrition for
years of racial divide.
June—Dr. Wogaman closes his ministry at Foundry and is presented
with two quilts, a memory book and a travel fund at celebratory
dinner attended by all his children and grandchildren.
June 30—Rev. Wogaman’s last service is celebrated with sermon
entitled “Endings” and choir sings a Gaelic blessing to Phil and
Carolyn Wogaman
July 1—Reverend Dean Snyder assumes role as Foundry’s Senior
Fall—Rev. Snyder and his wife Jane attend some 35 house meetings
meeting congregants and soliciting input on what congregation
Partnership with Africa University established.
Rev. Snyder teaches a 6-week class, “Reading the Bible from the
September 26—the AIDS Mission’s Eleventh Annual Concert for Life,
featuring works based on Psalmist texts raises $83,000.
The Community Mission makes nearly 2,000 sandwiches a month for the
Walk-In Mission and McKenna’s Wagon.
The Hunger Mission provides volunteer support to So Others Might Eat
and Christ Church.
Ralph Williams is Lay Leader; Karen Beasley is Chairperson of Church
June 15—Peace with Justice Mission sponsors luncheon talk by
Professor Samih Fasoun on the Road Map to Peace in the Middle East.
June—Volunteers in Mission team of 18 works at a Methodist–run
mission in the village of Pittorea in Northern Mexico, under
coordination of David Young, Deacon for Global Outreach.
June 27—100th Anniversary of cornerstone laying.
Emmaus Services for the Aging completes construction of the Arthur
S. Flemming Center.
July—For the 9th consecutive year Ned Bachman leads Senior High
Youth Group week long Appalachia Service Project in Buchanan County,
June 15—Dr. Walter Shropshire culminates his ten-year tenure as
Minister of the Parish.
July 1—Rev. Debra M. Whitten is appointed Minister of Congregational
August—Victoria Karakcheyeva is appointed Minister of Children and
October—D.C. Councilman Jack Evans, Senator Max Cleland and Jeremy
White Deputy Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and
Community Initiatives speaker series addresses what the church can
do for the city, nation and world.
October—Matt Smith appointed as part-time Youth Minister.
October—All Saints Sunday choir and instrument ensemble presents
Gabriel Faure's Requiem.
December—Boy Scout Troop 345 ends affiliation of some 25 years
serving inner city youth, most recently under the leadership of Jim
Leader, Bill Harkins and Mike Koob.
$1.404M annual budget.
Website improved and new edition of “All Things Foundry” published.
Foundry Players complete 57th Season, highlights are “Our Town”, and
musical revue “Closer than Ever.”
Spring—Lenten devotional booklet titled “Partners in God’s
Spring—Fifth Youth Sunday Service with junior and senior high youth
leading service and Rev. Snyder preaching.
WIN volunteers join in emergency actions to stop Ward 8 evictions.
June—Youth Group led by Matt Smith, Youth Minister, complete ASP
project in Floyd County, Kentucky.
Rev. Wogaman’s book, “An Unexpected Journey: Reflections on Pastoral
Ministry,” is published reflecting on his ten years as Senior
Staff-Parish Relations Committee, after study, recommends
administrative reorganization plan with three new positions,
Associate for Financial and Data Services, Assistant for Membership
Services, and Assistant for Administration/Operations.
July—Rev. Peter DeGroote appointed Minister for Administrative
Same Sex Union Issues Working Group begins dialogue on issue of same
sex unions.
Karen Beasley is Chair of Church Council.
Volunteers in Mission conduct reforestation project in Nicaragua.
November—Jana Meyer is appointed Minister of Missions, once again a
full time appointment, replacing Jennifer Knutsen, who departs after
four years of service.
12th Annual Concert for Life raises $77,000 in a concert focusing on
“Music about Music” under leadership of AIDS Mission.
Highlights of music in worship include Faure’s Requiem on All Saints
Sunday and “Credo” from Mass in B Minor by J.S. Bach in Lent (with
Choir acts as “core” choir for General Conference in Pittsburg;
sings for Opening Eucharist and world premiere of two works for
massed choir and orchestra.
Family Ministry sees dramatic growth in Sunday School attendance.
Spiritual Life Committee supports Taize worship service, several
retreats and two Covenant Discipleship groups.
Budget is $1.375M, 1450 members (76 new members), 421 pledge units.
January—Third annual Leaders’ Weekend led by Dr. Gil Rendle of the
Alban Institute.
New pictorial directory prepared by Community Life Committee.
Church Council implements staffing changes recommended by SPRC.
February—Fourth Annual Leaders’ Weekend.
New financial systems instituted along with formalizing
administrative practices and procedures.
Under Jana Myers’s leadership, first outreach to day laborers in
Easter—cooperative sunrise service held with Mount Vernon and Asbury
United Methodist.
Lent—Choir and orchestra perform G.F. Handel’s Brockes Passion.
Rev. Nancy Webb transfers her appointment to Grace Church in
Baltimore after eight years of appreciated service.
May—Committee on Religion and Race celebrates publication of Bill
Kirk’s Desegregation of the Methodist Church Polity: Reform
Movements that Ended Racial Segregation.
Church Council approves Resolution voicing its opposition to the
2004 General Conference adoption of policies limiting opportunities
for homosexual persons.
Future of Foundry Capital Campaign completed, raising some $1M in
pledges for needed renovations and repairs.
June—Under Youth Minister Matt Smith’s leadership, Youth Appalachia
Service Project to Dickinson County, Virginia includes 19.
July—Church Council forms study group on same-sex marriages to
prepare report on recommendations.
13th Annual Concert for Life raises $68,000 to support AIDS/HIV
Pre-Cana weekends established.
First participation in Gay Pride parade, including staffing lemonade
stand and information table.
Charles Beardesco is chair of Church Council; Barbara Cambridge is
Lay Leader.
July 1—Rev. Dee Lowman is appointed Associate Pastor.
Choral highlights include Schubert’s Mass in G on All Saints Sunday.
Fall—First class of Youth Deacons.
October—Sermon series celebrating 10th Anniversary of Reconciling
Congregation, includes Bishops Susan Morrison and Joseph Sprague and
Rev. Gil Caldwell.
December—Choir and brass concert celebrates 20th anniversary of
dedication of Casavant organ.
Major repairs, including replastering and painting of dome and
sanctuary walls, replacement of heating and cooling system and
installation of entrance ramp using Future of Foundry capital
campaign and general endowment funds.
Barbara Cambridge is Lay Leader.
Under leadership of Matt Smith, Youth Minister, active Junior and
senior High involvement in Walk for Homeless and 30 Hour Famine.
February—Commission on Status and Role of Women annual retreat at
Priest Field Pastoral Center in Kearneysville, W.Va. with some 50
women participating.
August—Jim Irwin becomes Director of Finance and Administration,
Rev. Peter DeGroote departs.
March—Daryl Davis becomes Coordinator of Christian Education and
Minister to Children and Families.
English as a Second Language, formed with 20 volunteers works with
40 students and along with Green Mission brings total of 17 mission
June—Volunteers In Mission team of 21 travels to New Orleans for
Hurricane Katrina rebuilding.
Foundry Walk-in Mission continues weekly assistance to many needing
documentation and clothing.
July 23—Phase I renovation groundbreaking service marks start of
repairs to sanctuary and construction of front entrance access ramp.
September—Labor Day Laborers Outreach mission sponsor gathering with
over 100 attendees; later in month, together with Cinica del Pueblo
holds Heath Fair.
Prison Ministry mails some 40 reading packages weekly to prisoners.
Foundry Players complete 59th Season, highlight includes Company.
September—After 40 years of mission, The Child Development Center
(Preschool) closes.
Melvina Brooks retires after 30 years as Food Services Supervisor
and Wedding Coordinator.
September 24—Celebration of 30-year anniversary of Eileen Guenther,
as Minister of Music and Liturgy.
November 10-13—Annual Concert for Life raises $77,000 and features
Heritage Signature Chorale and The Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington.
All Saints Sunday choir and orchestra present Yizkor Requiem, by
Thomas Beveridge.
November—Rev. Snyder raises issue of same-gender unions in his State
of the Church sermon calling for Congregational Council
1505 members (70 new members); new members biographies are included
as bulletin insert; photos in Narthex.
Enhanced Christian Education under leadership of Gary Allen; many
classes, over 75 children are involved in Christian Education.
February—Issues Working Group on same-sex marriages formed to report
Charles Beardesco continues leadership as Church Council Chair;
Council considers report of same-sex union working group.
Calling and Visioning Planning Group under leadership of Barbara
Cambridge, Lay Leader, explores “Who is God calling us to be?”.
Church Council names Music Task Force to report on direction of
music program.
Enhanced ministry to day laborers.
New chiller and HVAC system competed, choir room and Davenport
Center revamped.
ChristCare Groups remain active.
GBLT monthly potlucks; annual GBLT retreat.
April—Rev. Snyder and key leaders start discussion on Book of
Discipline language revisions and same-sex union issues.
Jim Irwin is Director of Finance and Administration.
Phase I renovations completed.
Implementation of new fiscal systems management and operations
June 1—Rev. Teresa Thames-Lynch is appointed Minister of Children
and Families.
June 24—Eileen Guenther departs as Minister of Music & Liturgy after
31 highly acclaimed years of service.
August—Katy Wheat becomes US-2 Young Adult Missionary and oversees
new Mustard Seed mission to enhance volunteer outreach in DC.
VIM sponsors three missions to Alabama, Ukraine and Nicaragua
October 1—Stanley J. Thurston is named Interim Director of Music
after serving as Choir Director/Organist since June 1.
Same–Sex Union Issues Working Group report to Church Council
outlines options to consider.
November 11—Rev. Snyder’s pastoral letter announces institution of
services recognizing committed lesbian and gay relationships
commencing in 2008.
Racial-Ethnic Minority fellowship established.
$1.662M operating budget; 61 new members.
Welcoming Table in Fellowship Hall continues outreach to new members
and visitors.
February—Senior Pastor Snyder makes himself available to officiate
at same-gender services at the church to recognize gay and lesbian
committed relationships.
Kerry Kidwell-Slak is Chairperson of Church Council.
Bob McDonald becomes Director of Membership Service.
Amy Ellen Duke-Befield is Deacon for Social Justice; Amihan Jones is
new US-2 young Adult Missionary.
Enhanced outreach to new members implemented.
July—Matt Smith, Youth Minister, departs to the Western North
Carolina Conference after four inspired years of service to youth.
Barbara Cambridge is Lay Leader.
Five Year Goals committee continues discussions.
Music Task Force issue it report and recommendations.
Mark Schol is named new Youth Minister.
22 couples participate in Pre-Cana weekends.
May 15—Annual Concert for Life.
Care Ministry increased outreach to seniors and others in need under
Bob McDonald.
Stanley Thurston is formally appointed Director of Music.
Enhanced outreach to neighborhood day laborers.
Annual Lenten Devotions guide with short essays and poems of
spiritual inspiration.
20/30 Plus Ministry expands activities with retreat, informal
brunches and partnerships with social justice mission outreach.
Hunger Mission continues to provide food for 400, monthly at So
Others Might Eat.
Small Group Ministries continues efforts to train volunteers and
increase outreach.
Average church attendance increases to 556; 61 new members; budget
is $1.637M.
January—Governance system reconfigured into six councils.
Todd Mullins is Facilitator of Congregational Council.
February—Working groups weekend to consider implementation of new
governance structure.
March—Church Council adds to Church Five Year Goals, action at
General Conference to revise discriminatory language towards
homosexuality in Book of Discipline.
Lasisha Lockhart is named Racial Ethnic Fellow.
Growth in number of congregants participating in all choirs.
Washington Interfaith Netowrk team continues to lead campaign to end
homelessness in DC.
Day laborers programs advance with a grant from Baltimore–Washington
English as a Second Language volunteers teach 30-40 students each
November—Congregational Council announces Five Year Goals, including
caring for church buildings and 2012 Capital Campaign, ending
chronic homelessness, reaching out to those feeling left out of
church and revising discriminatory Book of Discipline language on
May 15-16—Annual Concert for Life raises $52,000 for HIV/AIDS
programs under direction of Stanley Thurston with Foundry Choir and
Orchestra and Duke Ellington School the Arts Concert Choir.
June—Paul Montero, Deputy Director of Religious Affairs for the
White House Office of Public Liason, speaks challenging young people
to be part of President Barack Obama’s call to serve their
July—US-2 Youth Missionary, Katy Wheat, ends two years of inspired
service and 70 volunteers with her participate in first Great Day of
Service in April.
Mark Schol, Youth Minister, directs youth in active program,
including four lock-ins, hosting 40 visitors who slept in church and
are fed by volunteers over MLK weekend and a 20 person ASP work trip
in June.
February 22—Choir and orchestra performing Durufle’s Requiem.
November 1—All Saints service with Hailstork’s I will Lift Up Mine
Budget increases to $1.75 M, 129 new members, doubling number in
February—Annual leadership retreat led by Bishop Schol on theme of
“How to be a Permission-Giving Church.”
February—Rev. Dr. Louise Shockley of Asbury UMC preaches on Martin
Luther King Sunday.
Jill Barker is facilitator of Congregational Council.
Sunday Night @Foundry, a 5:30 PM contemporary service begins.
Haiti Mission formed in wake of January 12 quake and a five–year
commitment is made to support relief efforts.
April 17—Annual Concert for Life, features Foundry Choir singing
excerpts from Gershwin’s Porgy & Bess along with many guest
May—Rev. Al Hammer becomes Chief Operations Officer.
Renovation of stain glass windows in sanctuary, including “Come Unto
Me” window in balcony.
Spring—Mission Advocacy Team announces forthcoming focus on
HIV/AIDS, immigration, Haiti relief, homelessness, and hunger.
April and October—Two Great Days of Service with 135 volunteers
working at 14 sites and 125 at 12 sites
Summer in the City preacher series features Bishops John Schol and
Gene Robinson among other notables.
Summer of Great Discernment—numerous forums, dinners, prayer
services and discussion groups consider marriage equality policy.
September 26—Following four months of study, in special charge
confer congregation votes 367-8 to approve marriage equality
resolution, Policy for Marriage Equality.
Working with WIN, volunteers organize to support development of
1,100 units of Permanent Supportive Housing.
October 24—Rosanne Haggerty, President of Common Ground preaches on
“We Can End Homelessness”
Annual labor day celebration in support of day laborers.
October—Saturday Summit with leaders of Reconciling Ministries
Network (RMN), Baltimore-Washington Area Reconciling United
Methodists (BEWARM) and Human Rights Campaign.
September—Youth Minister Mark Schol transitions to his theological
studies at Boston University and is recognized for his service.
November 13—Rev. Snyder preaches on ”State of the Church: God’s
Choir highlights include Brahms Requiem presented in its original
German for Lent, and Haydn’s Lord Nelson’s Mass on All Saints Day.
Average Sunday Church attendance reaches 641; Budget is $1.84M.
May 20—18th Annual Concert for Life, “Music to Lift a Soul… a
Serenade” features Foundry Choir and Gay Men’s’ Chorus of
Washington, and others.
May—Baltimore-Washington Conference approves same-sex marriage
resolution proposed by Church
Haiti Mission sponsors two VIM volunteer rebuilding trips to Haiti.
July—Rev. Dawn Hand is appointed Associate Pastor/Chief Program
July—Five renowned Teachers of Preachers participate in the five
Sunday Outstanding Preacher Series.
December 13—Specially called Charge Conference adopts major capital
campaign, Mission Possible.
Continued mission focus on ending homelessness includes working with
Washington Interfaith Network to provide permanent supportive
housing in DC.
Two successful Great Days of Service with 130 participants on each
Sixth year of outreach to day laborers.
July—Matthew Mustard hired as full-time Coordinator of LGBT Advocacy
addressing LGBT and marriage inclusion issues.
Two VIM teams travel to Haiti in February and October working with
Church of Hati and UMCOR as part of 5 year commitment after
December 18—Bishop Schol preaches at a special worship service on
ending homelessness.
December 13—Resources Council presents architectural plans for
building renovation and capital campaign launch in 2012.
Choir highlights include Rossini’s Stabat Mater for Lent and John
Rutter’s Gloria for Advent.
Budget tops $2.0M, 66 new members.
February—Rev. Snyder, launches a campaign “Opening Doors to
Equality”. More here.
February—Annual leaders retreat with Bishop Schol leading on theme
of “How to be a Permission-Giving Church.”
Launch of $10.3 Million (later revised to $5 Million) Capital
Campaign, “Mission Possible”
February—Church LGBT Ministry and supporters attend General
Conference in Tampa and advocate end of discriminatory language in
Discipline; Choir performs in rainbow stoles under Stanley
Thurston’s direction.
March 3—Proposed new governance structure announced by
Congregational Council.
April—Majority of six existing church councils vote to affirm new
management structure.
Spring—Development of List of Values to use as guide of carrying out
Church mission to remaining a “Vital Congregation”
May 19—Annual Concert for Life.
August—Celebration of eight years of service by Jana Meyer, Director
of Social Justice Ministries, who leaves for mission work in South
Ronya-Lee Anderson-Thompson is named Youth Ministries Coordinator.
Rev. Kevin Wright named Director of Social Justice Ministries.
LGBT Advocacy Ministry Teams and Connectional Table approve
resolution supporting same-gender marriages which is approved by
Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference.
Mission Possible giving starts with success.
Website improvement continues.
February—Leadership Retreat draws over 75 participants.
February—Rev. Snyder voices support for gun control.
Management Board transition completed from six councils with nine
members each to a single nine member Management Board with standing
committees for Personnel and Trustees.
Rev. Dean Snyder is awarded the first ever Lifetime Achievement
Award by the Washington Blade for his years of dedicated service to
support inclusion for gay Christians.
Governance and Facilities & Operation
Jill Barker is President of Management Board.
Mission Possible capital campaign is revised to $5.0M and associated
financing and launch is scheduled for 2014.
March 24—Largest Great Day of Service in Church history, partnering
with Stop Hunger Now, 165 volunteers place over 10,000 meals to help
end world hunger.
Continued focus on ending homelessness, including outreach to
homeless nonprofit, Neighbors Consejo.
April—Senior Pastor Dean Snyder announces his decision to retire in
July 2014
May—Mission Possible announces that 309 households have pledged
$3.08M toward $4.5M goal.
May 17- 20—Annual Concert for Life, “Looking Backward, Looking
Forward” includes a celebration of Eileen Guenthers’s years of
June 23—Church Conference ratifies results of open election of
Management Board members.
June—First Management Board elected after church-wide vote begins
its work with standing committees that supervise Senior Pastor,
folding in traditional duties of Staff-Parish Relations Committee,
Finance Committee and Board of Trustees.
Bicentennial Committee energetically plans for 2014-2015 events and
offers memorabilia for sale, produces video of Church history and
outlines year-long calendar of events.
Summer—Guest preacher series remains popular.
Management Board works with new District Superintendent Joseph
Daniels to identify competencies required of new Senior Pastor
appointed to replace Rev. Snyder.
November 10—Rev. Snyder’s “State of the Church” sermon focuses on
2014 goals of enhancing worship services, expanded Adult Christian
studies, fellowship opportunities with Bicentennial Celebration, and
ministry outreach to members in Africa.
November 18—Prayer Service on first night of trial of Rev. Frank
Schaefer for performing the wedding of his son and partner.
December 22—Three days after he is defrocked, Frank Schaefer, his
wife and two of his sons are honored at service where they become
members of Foundry; special offering and website results in $30,000
“love gift” to support them. More here, and here.
February 10—The Rev. Ginger Gaines-Cirelli is announced as new
senior pastor, and the Rev. Dawn M. Hand to become Executive Pastor.
January 26—At a special service of ”hope and justice,” defrocked
Methodist ministers Beth Stroud, Jimmy Creech and Frank Schaefer
speak and participate in open forum on marriage inclusion issues.
Concluded Foundry’s year-long Bicentennial Celebration with remarks by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea, once a prominent member of Foundry’s youth group and an Appalachian Service Project volunteer.
Inaugurated Foundry’s new spaces, including a new ground floor Community Commons, new restrooms and renovated office and classroom spaces.
Embarked on a capital campaign intended to continue the upgrade of
Foundry’s infrastructure, retire Foundry’s construction loan, and
upgrade the organ.
The Washington Post celebrated Foundry’s ID ministry in an article
entitled “The Invisibles: The cruel Catch-22 of
being poor with no ID.”
Senior Pastor Ginger-Gaines-Cirelli serves as editor for the CEB
Women’s Bible focusing on the stories of women in the bible.
Began the year-long process of refurbishing and upgrading to modern
digital standards Foundry’s iconic Casavant-Freres organ, first
installed in 1984
Senior Pastor Gaines-Cirelli published Sacred Resistance: A
Practical Guide to Christian Witness and Dissent. Sacred Resistance
education and activities are incorporated into Foundry’s programs
for racial and social justice.
Senior Pastor Cirelli is honored with the DC Women of Excellence
Thirty-five mostly lay members traveled to St. Louis to observe proceedings of the Special General Conference and press for a way forward that would lead to full inclusion of LBGTQ persons in the life of the denomination. With the failure of the Special General Conference to move towards a more inclusive church, Foundry continues to play a leading role in demanding change in the denomination.
March 8, 2020
As a result of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, Foundry holds its last
in-person Sunday worship service until September 2021. For the first
time in Foundry's history, the church closed its doors to the
general public as a result of the global lockdown.
March 15, 2020
Washington, DC, limits gatherings to 50 people or less. Foundry held
worship at the church, with only clergy and limited staff in
March 22, 2020
For the first time in Foundry's history, Sunday worship is not in
the Sanctuary. Instead, it is offered fully online, with clergy
broadcasting from their individual homes.
March 24, 2020
Washington, DC announces all non-essential businesses must close.
May 25, 2020
George Floyd is murdered by Minneapolis police. Immediately after
the video footage of his death, multiple protests against police
brutality grew around the country.
May 29, 2020
Black Lives Matter protests increase throughout the District,
including directly in front of the White House and Lafayette Square.
16th Street NW becomes a main thoroughfare for BLM marches
throughout the summer.
At the corner of 16th and P Streets NW, Foundry sets up an outdoor
respite station, providing food, water, charging stations, and
bathroom access to thousands of marchers throughout the month of May
and into June. Multiple Foundry clergy and members join in
solidarity with other clergy and interfaith groups in multiple
marches and protests.